6. If the appliance is an
intermediate node
repeat the operations from step 2 to step
5 for the other length of cable required. As shown in Detail "B" of fi gure 5.8.
7. Fix the CAN bus cable (or two cables, according to the type of node being connected)
to the cable fi xing bracket in the upper part of the inside of the electrical panel
so that the rolled-back sheathing makes solid contact with the metal bracket. The
cables must be held fi rmly in place by the bracket if pulled.
To position the jumpers on the board according to the type of node being
confi gured:
• If the appliance is a
terminal node
on the network (i.e. 3 wires are inserted in
the orange connector on the board): set the jumpers as shown in detail "A" of
Figure 5.8 Electrical wiring diagram on page 44:
• If the appliance is an
intermediate node
on the network (i.e. 6 wires are inserted
in the orange connector on the board); set the jumpers as shown in detail "B" of
Figure 5.8 Electrical wiring diagram on page 44:
Figure 5.8
– Electrical wiring diagram
Connection cable CAN BUS to electronic board: detail A case "terminal node", detail B case "intermediate node"
Data signal LOW
Data signal HIGH
Jumper CAN-BUS in board
Detail case "terminal node" (3 wires;
J1=jumper "closed")
Detail case "intermediate node" (6
wires; J1=jumper "open")
8. After having carried out all the above operations, close the electrical panel and
refi t the front panel of the appliance.
How to connect the CAN BUS cable to the DDC
The CAN bus cable is connected to the specifi c orange connector (P8) supplied with the
DDC in a bag.
Before working on the DDC, make sure that it is electrically isolated.
The DDC, like the controller on the appliance, has jumpers that must be moved so that it
can be confi gured as an intermediate or terminal node. The position of the jumpers on a
new DDC is CLOSED.