Section IV: Installation
Do not run piping across service panels, evaporator coil face or air discharge outlet.
If a new or existing pool water heater is piped within the same circuit, the PoolComPak™ unit should be connected in
a parallel loop between the filter and the other heater. This allows the PoolComPak™ unit to act as the primary water
heating source and the other heater as a backup or supplemental water heater.
All pool purification and chemical feed systems MUST be installed downstream of the unit. This includes the practice
of adding chemicals directly to the skimmer which results in highly concentrated, corrosive chemicals passing over and
through the PoolComPak™ water condenser. Water chemistry must be maintained at a pH level between 7.2 and 7.6,
with a free chlorine level not exceeding 3.0 PPM and a combined chlorine level less than 0.3 PPM.
If possible, install the PoolComPak™ unit above the pool water level. If it is installed below the pool level, isolation
valves must be added. Breakable couplings should be located near the unit on both the water inlet and outlet lines.
When installing piping, connect the piping to these couplings last so as not to place stress on the other connection in
the plumbing system.A constant flow of water is required through the PoolComPak™ units’ condenser. The circuit to
and from the unit must be capable of maintaining the flow rate as specified for the installed unit (see PoolComPak™
Performance data in
). To ensure correct water flow, the filter pump usually operates at the same time as the
PoolComPak™ unit. However, to reduce energy consumption during filter off cycle times, a two-speed or small auxiliary
water pump which bypasses the filter may be used.
CAUTION! Excessive water flow can cause premature erosion and pitting of the
pool water condenser. Adjust valve so that the water flow does not exceed the GPM
or pressure drop listed in the table. PoolPak™ recommends a fixed flow control or
adjustable flow circuit setter.
PoolPak™ International recommends installing water pressure tap ports to check influent and effluent water pressure.
See PoolComPak™ Performance data in
for the particular unit model in question for the proper flow rate and
pressure drop across the pool water condenser. The pressure tap ports should be installed in a straight length of the water
piping, exterior to the PoolComPak™ unit. Install the port before any 90-degree turns and approximately 6 inches from
the corner-post of the unit.
In some instances, piping from the PoolComPak™ unit to the filter return line may not be feasible or economical. The
unit may be installed on its own supply and return line using a properly sized water pump and appropriate strainer.
Ensure that auxiliary water heating systems are staged to supplement the PoolComPak™ unit water heating.
If the PoolComPak™ unit is installed above the pool surface and the main circulating pump cannot provide the proper
water flow to it at the specified pressure, an auxiliary booster pump is required.
Condensate may be returned to the pool (if local codes allow), but PoolPak™ International neither recommends nor
disapproves this practice. The installer should check local codes prior to making this decision. Condensate must be
filtered prior to being returned to the pool.
If multiple PoolComPak™ units are installed on the pool water piping circuit, pipe them (and any auxiliary water heater)
in parallel. Piping PoolComPak™ units in series may result in the downstream unit(s) sensing the pool water temperature
as satisfied and not reject heat to the water to its full capacity. The actual pool water temperature should be sensed by
each PoolComPak™ unit and auxiliary water heater.