6. Maintenance
Wartung -
to hold the total system charge. All cylinders to be used are designated for the
refrigerant being recovered and labeled for that refrigerant (i.e. special refrigerant
recovery cylinders). Cylinders shall be complete with the pressure relief valve and
associated shut-off valves in good working order. Empty recovery cylinders shall be
evacuated and, if possible, cooled before recovery takes place.
The recovery equipment shall be in good working order with a set of instructions for
the equipment available and shall be suitable for the recovery of flammable
refrigerants. In addition, a set of calibrated scales must be available and in good
working order. Hoses must be complete with leak-free disconnect fittings and in good
condition. Before using the recovery machine, verify that it is in good working order,
that it has been properly maintained, and that all associated electrical components
are sealed to prevent ignition in the event of a refrigerant leak. If in doubt, consult the
Recovered refrigerant must be returned to the refrigerant supplier in the correct
recovery cylinder, and the appropriate waste transfer note must be completed. Do
not mix refrigerants in the recovery units and especially not in the cylinders.
If compressors or compressor oils are to be removed, ensure that they have been
evacuated to an acceptable level to ensure that flammable refrigerant does not
remain in the lubricant. The evacuation process must be completed before returning
the compressor to the suppliers. Only electrical heating of the compressor body
should be used to expedite this process. Draining the oil from a system must be done
It is imperative that the technician be thoroughly familiar with the equipment and all
its details before performing this procedure. It is recommended that all refrigerants
be safely recovered. Prior to performing the task, a sample of oil and refrigerant
should be taken in case analysis is required before reuse of the recovered refrigerant.
It is essential that electrical power be available prior to the start of the task.
a) Become familiar with the equipment and its operation.
b) Isolate the system electrically.
c) Before beginning the procedure, ensure that :
Mechanical handling equipment is available, if required, for handling
refrigerant cylinders. All personal protective equipment is available and
properly used;
The recovery process is supervised at all times by a competent person
Recovery equipment and cylinders meet appropriate standards.
d) Pump the refrigerant system, if possible.
e) If vacuum is not possible, make a manifold so that the refrigerant can be removed
from the various parts of the system.
f) Ensure that the cylinder is located on the scale before recovery takes place.
g) Start the recovery machine and operate it according to the manufacturer's
h) Do not overfill the cylinders. (No more than 80% liquid charge by volume
i) Do not exceed the maximum working pressure of the cylinder, even temporarily.