It is important to have the X Carriage all the way toward the left (the home position)
when setting the Z adjustment, because there it is more independent of the Z Tilt (see
next section).
1. Make sure the head has no plastic attached to the bottom face of the nozzle (use
the Brass Brush included in the Tool Kit).
2. Clean any plastic from the bed, especially at the home position.
3. Use Pronterface to:
a. Home the X axis. Press the button on the top left of the movement
command circles.
b. Turn off the motors. (If the printer has recently printed or moved its head
they will remain “on” for about a minute.) Press the “Motors Off” button
which is along the left side.
4. Press the Z Home button on the lower right of the movement command circles.
The head should approach the bed, and may touch it.
5. The ideal height after Z Homing is zero clearance between the bottom surface of
the nozzle and the bed.
6. With a little practice you can see a gap if there is one. Take a look at the
clearance, if any, between the bottom face of the nozzle and the bed. Raise the
nozzle slightly, using the “Z + .1” buttton in Pronterface, if necessary, to get a
visible gap. Then slide the X Carriage toward the right, and see if the clearance
remains roughly the same. If it is noticeably different toward the right, you should
first follow the procedures below, in the “Z Tilt Left-Right” section.
7. Take an ordinary piece of photocopy paper, and slide it under the nozzle, with the
X Carriage all the way to the left. Do a Z-Home. The nozzle should grip the paper
8. Raise the nozzle .1 mm. The paper should still be just a bit gripped.
9. Raise the nozzle another .1mm and the paper should be completely free.
10. If that is not the case, see “Adjustment”, next.