Web Viewer Load Balancing
If the presenting QSX has the Load Balance feature enabled, web viewers will be
redirected to a QSX receiving content when bandwidth limitations are reached.
The most common scenario where this happens is when a QSX is both the MCU and the
presenter to additional QSX units as well as web viewers. In this situation, it may
allocate all bandwidth to the QSX units, leaving none for the web viewers. Enabling load
balancing automatically redirects a web viewer from the MCU/presenting unit to another
QSX that has available bandwidth.
External Web Viewers and IP Addresses (NAT)
There may be situations where you want to share content with people outside your
organization’s network. In order to do so, you will need to use Network Address
Translation to link an External IP address to the Internal IP address of your QSX.
Network Address Translation (NAT) is most frequently used to protect IP addresses
inside a company’s network. A NAT-enabled address is linked to an internal, or non-
NAT, IP address so that an outside party can still access that piece of equipment or
location in the network. This allows people to safely cross corporate firewalls without
exposing the network to the outside world.
When a QSX with a NAT-provided IP address is connected to a QSX with an IP address
that has not been translated via NAT, an external web viewer can login to the NAT-
enabled QSX to receive content from the non-NAT QSX. In the example below, the web
participants outside the corporate firewall are accessing the QSX via its External IP