-time and indicator readings in case of exceeding the operation threshold of the
gamma channel
- time and indicator readings in case of exceeding the operation threshold of the
neutron channel
In settings of indicator/program
- to check and/or set up working parameters of the indicator:
- to switch on the sound/or vibrating indicators;
- to synchronize the time and the date of the indicator with the current time and the PC date on the
moment of information exchange – automatically during every communication of the indicator with the PC;
- to set up the values of the values of the consecutive time intervals for storing the current values of
MED in the power-independent indicator storage;
- to change the password for entrance to the file of parameters (the initial password -1);
- to check and set up the fixed threshold by MED, if exceeded, the indicator provides a light, sound
and/or vibrating signals;
- to check the preset or set up new values of n-factors by each channel determining the operation
thresholds (minimal values of gamma and neutron radiation detection);
- automatic calibration should be switched on/off;
The technical maintenance of the indicator:
- performance of preventive works (external inspection, dust removal and deactivation, check of
indicator workability (see indicator on/off). Deactivation is performed by wiping with clothes moistened in
ethyl spirit.
-replacement of a supply cell in the explosion hazard area is strictly prohibited).
In case of visible mechanical damages of the casing and protection glass of the LCD indicator (dents,
burrs, cracks) operation of the indicator is prohibited.
Typical malfunctions
The indicator can not be switched on
Wrong installation of the power cell
The LDC indicates the mark " "
The power cell is to be replaced
Other malfunctions shall be eliminated by the manufacturer.
Indicators must be stored at storehouses in the manufacturer’s package at the ambient temperature
from minus 15 to plus 50
and relative humidity by 95 % at temperature 35
. Storage duration shall not
exceed the average service life of the indicator – 8 years.
Indicators without packages should be stored at the ambient temperature from 10 to 35
relative humidity 80 % at temperature 25
In the storage premises there shall be no dust, vapours of acids and alkalis, aggressive gases and other
harmful admixtures causing corrosion.
Indicators in the packaged form and switched off state allow transportation by any closed transport
type at the ambient temperature from minus 50 to plus 50
The packed indicators must be fixed in a vehicle. Placement and fastening of the packed indicators in
the vehicle shall provide their stable position, exclude possibility of shocks on each other , as well as on
vehicle walls.