POK SAS - 18 Cours Antoine Lavoisier - 10400 Nogent-sur-Seine - FRANCE
Phone: +33 (0)3 37 49 53 000 - Email: [email protected] - Web: www.pok-fire.com
Eductor 400 lpm, in aluminium, male inlet and outlet couplings 2" BSP
MOP_PRO_02341_EN_A 08/07/2021 - Cop
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S - Illustr
ations are only informativ
7 • Handling / Transport / Storage
7.1 • General
When unpacking the eductor after transport, check that there is no mechanical damage and/or loose parts
in the interior of the package. In case of damage, the carrier must be informed immediately. In this case,
do not put the equipment into use.
7.2 • Delivery Information
POK equipment is delivered in a packaging adapted to the weight and dimensions of the material. Packaging
is securely closed. A delivery note is included with the equipment.
7.3 • Shipment of Material
In case of reshipping the equipment, or transferring the shipment to other sites, the shipping process above
should be followed.
7.4 • Storage of Material
When storing the device, it is recommended to keep it in its original packaging to protect from humidity, dust
and kept at a temperature.b10° and +70°C.