Ghost Readings
Radar devices are very sensitive instruments for measuring moving
objects of any kind. There may be times when the speed reading
displayed may not make sense, or when there is no apparent moving
object present. False readings of this kind are sometimes referred to
as “ghost readings”. These can result from either a movement of some
kind, such as a fan or hidden moving object, or an electrical source of
interference, such as a fluorescent light, neon sign, computer monitor,
cell phone or cell phone tower nearby.
You will need to use your own judgment to decide if the speed measure
ment makes sense. If the speed doesn’t make sense, you may have
a false reading. An example would be if the Display flashes 107 mph,
when you know the ball speed shouldn’t be any higher than 65 mph.
The radar devices have software designed to ignore most of these
false ghost readings, but in certain cases there may be things in your
environment that may cause interference.
Tips to Eliminate Interference
If you are capturing random speed readings, there may be a solution to
your problem. Here are a few tips that may help:
• Change the Sensitivity / Range level of the Pro Radar
Module to a different setting. See page 20 for details.
• Use the lowest setting in the operating mode in your set up
that will reliably get the object speed that you want.
• If the Radar device is positioned behind the release
point, try changing the location to be in front.