The Smart Display and Pro Radar Module have adjustable sensitivity
and different operating modes to allow users to optimize the operation for
different types of measurement setups. If you are experiencing interfer
ence that causes false readings or “ghost readings”, try to adjust the
sensitivity level down to the lowest setting within each operating mode
described below, that will still pick up the ball. This can help minimize the
effects of any interference in the environment.
There are 10 sensitivity settings available in the advanced features
menu. Here is a description of the different operating modes for each
sensitivity setting:
• Setting 10
– This is the default setting. It is a general purpose
mode and is the most sensitive.
• Settings 9 to 6
– These settings are best for measuring a ball
that travels at least 30 feet or more. In this mode, setting 9 is
the most sensitive and setting 6 is the least sensitive.
• Settings 5 to 4
– These settings are a special mode to be
used with dimpled practice balls or for measuring
Ball Exit Speed / Exit Velocity off the bat on a ball that travels
at least 30 feet or more. In this mode, setting 5 is the most
sensitive and setting 4 is the least sensitive.
• Settings 3 to 1
– These settings are best for measuring close
up when hitting into a net where the ball is in flight and travels
10 to 30 feet. In this mode, setting 3 is the most sensitive and
setting 1 is the least sensitive. Use setting 1 for very close
work on large objects like a volleyball or soccer ball.
If you need any further help on how to decide on the best settings for
your measurement set up, please contact us toll-free at 888-381-2672
or by e-mail at [email protected]
Note: Sensitivity Settings are not available with the Smart Coach radar