PNI Sensor Corporation
DOC#1014688 r09.2
TCM User Manual
Page 58
: With a baud rate of 38400, the minimum delay after sending FF
Minimum delay at 38400 baud = 7E-4 – (10/38400) = 4.4E-4 seconds = 440 µs
Sync Mode generally is intended for applications in which sampling does not occur
frequently. For applications where Sync Mode sampling will be at a frequency of 1 Hz or
higher, there is a minimum allowable delay between taking samples. This minimum delay
between samples (approximately inverse to the maximum sample rate) varies from 100
msec to 1.06 second and is a function of the number of FIR filter taps, as defined by the
following formula:
Minimum Delay between Samples (in seconds) = 0.1 + 0.03*(number of Taps)
kSetSyncModeResp (frame ID 47
This frame is the response to kSetSyncMode frame. The payload contains the Mode ID
Mode ID
kSyncRead (frame ID 49
If the TCM is configured to operate in Sync Mode, as defined by kSetSyncMode, then this
frame wakes up the module, requests a measurement, outputs the results, then powers down
again. This frame has no payload. The response is kGetDataResp, with heading, pitch,
and roll automatically set as the data component IDs.
Prior to sending the kSyncRead frame, the user’s system must first send an “FF
” string
which wakes up the system, then wait some minimum delay time before sending the
kSyncRead frame. The minimum delay time is dependent on the baud rate, and for a baud
rate equal to or slower than 9600 there is no delay. The minimum delay is defined by the
same formula given for switching from Sync Mode to Normal Mode in kSetSyncMode.