PNI Sensor Corporation
DOC#1014688 r09.2
TCM User Manual
Page 33
Log Data Tab
TCM Studio can capture measurement data and then export it to a text file. To acquire data
and export it, follow the procedure below:
Select the parameters you wish to log in the “Data” window. Use Shift -Click and
Ctrl-Click to select multiple items. In the screen shot above, “Heading”, “Pitch”, and
“Roll” were selected.
Click the <Go> button to start logging. The <Go> button changes to a <Stop> button
after data logging begins.
Click the <Stop> button to stop logging data.
Click the <Export> button to save the data to a file.
Click the <Clear> button to clear the data from the window.
The data logger use ticks for time reference. A tick is 1/60 second.