PNI Sensor Corporation
DOC#1014688 r09.2
TCM User Manual
Page 46
point. If the user wants to have maximum control over when the calibration sample
point are taken then this flag should be set to FALSE.
(Config. ID 14
Baud rate index value. A power-down power-up cycle is required when changing the
baud rate.
kMilOutput (Config. ID 15
This flag sets the heading, pitch and roll output to mils. By default, kMilOutput is set
to FALSE and the heading, pitch and roll output are in degrees. Note that 360 degrees
= 6400 mils, such that 1 degree = 17.778 mils or 1 mil = 0.05625 degree.
(Config. ID 16
This flag sets whether or not heading, pitch, and roll data are output simultaneously
while the TCM is being calibrated. The default is TRUE, such that heading, pitch, and
roll are output during calibration. FALSE disables simultaneous output.
(Config. ID 18
This setting provides the flexibility to store up to eight (8) sets of magnetometer
calibration coefficients in the module. These different coefficient sets can be used for
storing coefficients for varying conditions, such as when a door is open or closed near
the sensor, or when the temperature varies, since the magnetic signature of the host
system may change over temperature. Also, if the existing coefficients are acceptable
but not great and you want to recalibrate, you should recalibrate to a different set
number so you can retrieve the old set if necessary. If you don’t do this then you will
need to reboot the TCM to retrieve the old set.
The initial default is set 0. To store a new set of coefficients, first establish the set
number (0 to 7) using kMagCoeffSet, then perform the magnetometer calibration. The
new coefficient values and coefficient set number will be stored in volatile memory
and will be applied immediately. Save the coefficient set to non-volatile memory by
sending kSave. When the TCM is powered down and back up again, it will load the
last saved coefficient set and apply its coefficient values.
For example, assume:
the kSetConfig frame is sent with kMagCoeffSet = 2
a calibration is performed
the kSave frame is sent
the kSetConfig frame is sent again, but with kMagCoeffSet = 3, and
a calibration is performed.