UNUM VEP4600 Appliance - Getting Started Guide - Copyright © 2020 by Pluribus Networks. All Rights Reserved.
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System Interface (cont'd)
MicroUSB-B Console Port Access (cont'd)
1. Power on the PC.
2. Connect the USB-A end of cable into an available USB port on the PC.
3. Connect the microUSB-B end of cable into the microUSB-B console port on the platform.
4. Power on the platform.
5. Install the necessary USB device drivers.
6. To download Dell EMC drivers, see
. If your computer requires non-Dell
EMC drivers, contact Dell EMC Technical Support for assistance.
7. Open your terminal software emulation program to access the platform.
8. Confirm that the terminal settings on your terminal software emulation program are as follows:
115200 baud rate
No parity
8 data bits
1 stop bit
No flow control