UNUM VEP4600 Appliance - Getting Started Guide - Copyright © 2020 by Pluribus Networks. All Rights Reserved.
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System Interface (cont'd)
RS-232 Console Port Access (cont'd)
1. Install the provided RJ-45 connector-side of the provided cable into the platform console port.
2. Install the DB-9 female-side to te petvided ctppee ccabe io t ytoe PAss seeicb pte . Oe ios cbb te DB-9
cable into other data terminal equipment (DTE) server hardware.
3. Keep the default terminal settings on the console as follows:
115200 baud rate
No parity
8 data bits
1 stop bit
No flow control
MicroUSB-B Console Port Access
The MicroUSB-B console port is on the PSU side of the VEP4600.
The terminal settings are the same for the serial console port and the RS-232/RJ-45 console port:
115200 baud rate
No parity
8 data bits
1 stop bit
No flow control
When you connect the microUSB-B port, it becomes the primary connection and, while connected, all
messages are sent to the microUSB-B port.
Before starting this procedure, be sure that you have a terminal emulation program already
installed on your PC. Install the appropriate drivers to support the microUSB-B port. To download Dell
EMC drivers, see
. If your computer requires non-Dell EMC drivers, contact
Dell EMC Technical Support for assistance.