64 MLD
MLD means Multicast Listener Discovery; its component of the IPv6. MLD is used by IPv6 routers for
discovering multicast listeners on a directly-attached link, much like IGMP being used in IPv4.
The following table describes the parameters:
MLD Proxy
MLD Proxy can be used to support IPv6 multicast data. Enable/Disable the
function to access.
MLD Snooping
Snooping is an IPv6 multicast constraining mechanism that runs on Layer 2
devices to manage and control IPv6 multicast groups. By analyzing received
MLD messages, a Layer 2 device running MLD Snooping establishes
mappings between ports and multicast MAC addresses and forwards IPv6
multicast data based on these mappings.
Multicast Listener Discovery Snooping (MLD). Enable/Disable the function to
Robust Counter
Robust factor of the MLD Counter.
Query Interval
The amount of time between IGMP General Query messages sent by the
router (if the router is a querier on this subnet).
Query Response Interval
The maximum amount of time in seconds that the IGMP router waits to
receive a response to a General Query message. The query response
interval is the Maximum Response Time field in the IGMP v2 Host
Membership Query message header. The default query response interval is
10 seconds and must be less than the query interval.
Response Interval of Last
Group Member
The amount of time in seconds that the IGMP router waits to receive a
response to a Group-Specific Query message. The last member query
interval is also the amount of time in seconds between successive
Group-Specific Query messages.