PLANET VIP-101T CLI configuration
- 2 -
2. [quit]
Type either
quit, exit,
in CLI will logout VIP-101T Telnet administration session.
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
This command has no default value.
3. [reboot]
This command is used to restart machine to activate new committed parameters. If there is
usr/config$ ?
help help/man/? [command]
quit quit/exit/close
reboot reboot local machine
flash clean configuration from flash rom
commit commit flash rom data
ifaddr internet address manipulation
time show current time
ping test that a remote host is reachable
pbook Phonebook information and configuration
pppoe PPPoE stack manipulation
sysconf system information manipulation
h323 H.323 information manipulation
voice voice information manipulation
tone Setup of call progress tones
support Special Voice function support manipulation
bureau bureau line information manipulation
rom ROM file update
passwd Password setting information and configuration
usage: help [command]
usr/config$ exit