IT-19C can be powered by:
AC circuit with 220 ± 22 V voltage, 50 ± 0.5 Hz frequency with no more than 5% harmonic
content, via 12V/1.2A Charger;
external DC source with 11 to 13 V voltage, and no more than 0.25 V ripple;
built-in battery.
Current consumed from external power source or battery, not more than ................................. 1.2A
Continuous stable operation under normal conditions
(when powered by external source), not less than ................................................................ 24 hours
Battery life, not less than .......................................................................................................... 5 hours
- analyzer ............................................................................................................. 193x94x53 mm
- package ........................................................................................................... 255х180х70 mm
- analyzer ............................................................................................................................ 0.5 kg
- analyzer in a package ...................................................................................................... 1.0 kg.
Application Area
IT-19C analyzer can be used when checking and setting the networks of distribution and receiving
the TV and radio broadcasting, individual network elements and other electronic devices. The
Analyzer allows you to measure the voltage level of a radio-frequency signal, parameters of a TV
radio-frequency signal with analog and digital modulation of the DVB-C and J.83 Annex B
standards. The Spectrum measurement mode makes it possible to search for any unwanted signal.
The Analyzer can be used both in laboratory conditions with power supply from an external power
source, and in outdoors being powered by the in-built battery or from the vehicle electrical
Preparation for Operation
Perform external examination to make sure your IT-19C has no visible mechanical damage.
Upon the arrival of the package, check the availability of all the items contained in it against the
list provided (Section 2.3).
If the IT-19C has been kept in the environment other than the rated operating conditions, leave
your Analyzer in the environment with normal operating conditions for at least 2 hours before