Solstice I12 Cooking Computer Operations
Single Vat (60126801) and Dual Vat (60126802)
L20-282 Rev 0 (2/07)
in the display. When the correct value is displayed, press the [P] key to save choice. The display
will again return to [PROGRAM] for another option selection.
Fahrenheit or Celsius Display:
The Controller will display temperatures in the Fahrenheit or Celsius scales. The default scale is
°F. With display showing [PROGRAM], press the product key [0].
Display shows [SELECT] [OPTIONS].
Press product key 1, display shows [DEGREE n] [F OR C], where “n” is the current
Use the product key [0] to scroll through choices (F or C). Press [P] key to save choice.
Display shows [PROGRAM].
Password Change or Required?
With factory settings, an operator password is not required to enter programming Levels 1 and 2.
The password may be activated or changed in this section.
With display showing [PROGRAM], press the product key [0]. Display will show [SELECT]
Press product key 2, display shows [SET PASS] [NEW PASS]. Use the product key [0] to
scroll through choices [NO PASS] or [PASS REQ]. Press [P] key to save choice.
If [NO PASS] is selected
Display returns to [PROGRAM].
If [PASS REQ]. is selected
, display will show [PASSnnnn] [NEW PASS] to prompt for new
password. Displayed value “nnnn” is the current password. Use the product keys for
numeric entry to change password. Press [P] key to save choice. Display shows
Note: The factory default password (6684) will always work even if a different password is
selected above.
Beeper Volume and Tone:
Volume and Tone of the beeper alarm may be changed in this section. Volume ranges are 1,2
and 3, where 3 is the loudest setting. Later model controls have an additional selection for tones.
With display showing [PROGRAM], press the product key [0].
Display will show [SELECT] [OPTIONS]. Press product key 3, display shows [VOLUME
n] [BEEPER]. Use the product key [0] to scroll through choices (n= 1,2,3, or T). Beeper
volume will change as each selection is made.
If “T” is selected an additional display is shown, [TONE n] [BEEPER]. Use the product
key [0] to scroll through choices (n= 1,2,3). Beeper tone will change as each selection is
Press [P] key to save choice. Display shows [PROGRAM].
3.4 Language
With display showing [PROGRAM], press the product key [0].
Display shows [SELECT] [OPTIONS].
Press product key 4, display shows [ENGLISH] [LANGUAGE].
Use the product key [0] to scroll through choices (ENGLISH, ESPANOL, FRANCAIS,
Press [P] key to save choice. Display shows [PROGRAM].