Solstice I12 Cooking Computer Operations
Single Vat (60126801) and Dual Vat (60126802)
L20-282 Rev 0 (2/07)
2.2.2 Shake
Shake time is an alarm that sounds during Cook Time to prompt operators to shake the
basket. Default for this value is zero, meaning the Shake Time is inactive. To use Shake
Time, time value must be a non-zero value, and must be set to a value less than cook
Display shows [nSH mm:ss] [TIME] where “n” is the key number, “SH” means
Shake, and “mm:ss” is time in minutes and seconds.
Use the product keys for numeric entry to adjust the current setting. Press the [Clock]
key to save shake time and continue setup for this product key.
Note: Cook Time minus DisplayShake Time = Shake Value Entry, Example: 3:00 cook
time with a 2:00 shake time, the value you enter would be 1:00 minute.
2.2.3 Hold
Cooked product may stand in holding bins for a period of time. This timer produces an
alarm to inform operators to discard old product and start a new cook. Default
for this value is zero, meaning the Hold Time is inactive.
Display is showing [nHD mm:ss] [TIME], where “n” is the key number, “HD
means HOLD, and “mm:ss” is minutes and seconds.
Use the product keys for numeric entry to adjust the current setting. Press the [Clock]
key to save hold time and continue setup for this product key.
2.2.4 Hold
Hold Pre-Alarm is a timer setting that is used to warn operators that the Hold Time is
about to expire. To use Hold Pre-Alarm, time value must be a non-zero value, and must
be set to a value less than Hold Time. Default value is zero, meaning the Hold Pre-Alarm
is inactive.
Display is showing [nPA mm:ss] [TIME] where “n” is the key number, PA means Pre-
Alarm, and “mm:ss” is minutes and seconds.
Use the product keys for numeric entry to adjust the current setting.
Press the [Clock] key to save cook time and continue setup for this product key.
Note: Value entered for Hold pre-alarm time is the hold time minus the pre-
alarm time. Example: 15:00 hold time with a 5:00 prealarm time, the value you enter
would be 10:00 minutes.
Display will again return to [SELECT] [TIME]. Repeat steps from section 2.3.1 to make
changes to any other product keys
or continue
To Exit Level 1 programming:
Display shows [SELECT] [TIME].
Press the [P] key.
Display shows [PROGRAM]. Continue to section 3 to change options, or, exit here in
the next step.
To exit Level 1 programming, press the [P] key again.
Displays will show [HEATING], [MELT] [LIQUID (or SOLID)], or [READY].
To Enter Programming Level 2 (for the Store Manager):
The display must show [PROGRAM] from section 2 to change these options. When the
product key [0] is pressed, the display will show [SELECT] [OPTIONS]. Indicator lights
above product keys will illuminate to represent options that may be changed. Each
option listed below uses the product key [0] to toggle or scroll through available choices