4. Should the stabilator travel be incorrect in either the up or down position, remove the tail cone fairing by
removing the attaching screws and with the use of the rigging tool and bubble protractor turn the stops located at
each stabilator hinge in or out (refer to Figure 5-12) to obtain the correct degree of travel.
5. Ascertain that the locknuts of the stop screws are secure and reinstall the tail cone fairing.
c. To check and set stabilator control cable tension, the following procedure may be used:
1 Ascertain that the stabilator travel is correct.
2. Remove the access panel to the aft section of the fuselage.
3. Secure the control column in the near forward position. Set .25 + 0.12 - 0.03 between the column and
the stop bumper.
4. Check each control cable for the correct tension as given in Table V-I.
5. Should tension be incorrect, loosen the turnbuckle of the lower cable in the aft section of the fuselage
and adjust the turnbuckle of the upper cable to obtain correct tension. Cable tension should be obtained with the
control wheel at the one-quarter inch dimension from the stop and the stabilator contacting its stop.
6. Check safety of all turnbuckles and bolts.
7. With the tension of the upper cable correct and the control wheel still forward, adjust the turnbuckle of
the lower cable to obtain correct tension.
Figure 5-6. Stabilator Rigging Tool
PA-28-161 CADET
Issued: FEBRUARY 28, 1989