k. If the left wing was removed, it is necessary that the pitot and static tubes be reconnected at the elbows
located within the cockpit at the wing butt line. One tube may be painted red, denoting the pitot tube. In the
event that a heated pitot is installed, the electrical plus lead must be connected at the fuselage.
l. Connect the hydraulic brake line onto the fitting located in the cockpit at the leading edge of the wing.
m. Connect the electrical leads to the appropriate posts on the terminal strip and install the washers and nuts.
(For assistance in connecting the electrical lead, refer to the Electrical Schematics in Section XI.) Place the
clamps along the electrical harness to secure it in position and install the terminal strip dust cover.
n. Remove the cap from the fuel line and connect it at the fitting located aft of the spar at the wing butt line.
o. Connect the aileron balance and control cables at the turnbuckles that are located within the fuselage aft of
the spar. After the left balance cable has been inserted through the bracket assembly and connected, install a
cotter pin cable guard into the hole that is provided in the bracket assembly.
p. Connect the flap by placing the flap handle in the full flap down position; place the bushing on the outside
of the rod end bearing and insert and tighten the bolt.
adjustments of the appropriate control systems and cable tensions.)
Bleed the system per instructions given in Section VII, and check the system for leaks.
check for leaks and fuel flow.
t. Check the operation of all electrical equipment and pitot and static system.
u. Remove the airplane from the jacks.
v. Install the cockpit trim panel assembly, spar box carpet, the seats, and wing butt rubber molding.
w. Reinstall all access plates and panels on the wing involved.
Before entering the aft portion of the fuselage, attach a stand to the tail skid for
support; and with the use of a heavy pad, protect the inside of the fuselage. Be
certain to distribute weight on top of the bulkheads so as not to damage the
fuselage skin.
4-18. REMOVAL OF STABILATOR. (Refer to Figure 4-4.)
Should it be necessary to move the rudder to its extreme left or right for clearance,
do so with the use of the rudder pedals or tow bar.
a. Remove the screws from around the upper and lower tail cone fairing assembly and remove the fairing
b. Block the trim cable at the barrel of the trim screw assembly to prevent the cable from unwrapping.
c. Remove the access panel to the aft section of the fuselage located at the back wall of the passenger
pulleys forward of the cable turnbuckles to prevent the forward cable from unwrapping.
PA-28-161 CADET
Issued: FEBRUARY. 28, 1989