Nice Air Operation ProcedurePA28-140
Copy Right Nice Air 2575 Robert Fowler Way, San Jose, CA 95148 Phone(408)729-3383
Crossed Control Stall (demonstrated- CFI only)
1. Throttle-Idle
Maintain altitude
2. Start descend at 70kt
3. Enter turn..
• Increase rudder input in the direction of turn.
• Use opposite aileron to decrease bank.
• Increase back pressure to keep altitude to reach stall.
1. Release back pressure.
You don’t need to push nose down too steep.
2. Throttle-Full, Maintain level flight attitude.
Don’t look inside the cockpit. Your right hand is already on the throttle. Just move it forward. Look
horizon and cowling. Adjust control pressure to establish level flight attitude.
3. Carb heat-Off
4. Airspeed 66kt (Vx), Climb attitude
Look at horizon and the cowling to establish normal climb attitude. And wait.
5. Positive climb
6. Climb at 75kt (Vy)
7. Level off, Airspeed 80kt, Throttle-Cruise,