Nice Air Operation ProcedurePA28-140
Copy Right Nice Air 2575 Robert Fowler Way, San Jose, CA 95148 Phone(408)729-3383
Steep Spiral (commercial pilot)
Climb high enough to complete three turns above 1000 ft AGL. Select reference point close to you.
1. Straight-and-level.
2. Abeam, Throttle- Idle
3. Begin descent and turn with 45 degrees bank
4. Maintain 90kt
5. Adjust bank angle to keep distance constant
6. Open throttle momentary to avoid spark plug from fouling after each turns on upwind
7. Continue three turns
1. Nose- Level pitch
2. Power- Cruise,
1. Staright-and-level
2. Abeam
• Throttle- Idle
• Begin descent
and turn with 45
degrees bank
3. Maintain 90kt
4. Adjust bank angle
to keep
distance constant
5. Open throttle momen-
tary to avoid spark plug
from fouling after each
turns on upwind
6. Continue three turns
7. Recovery
• Nose- Level pitch
• Power- Cruise