Nice Air Operation Procedure PA28-140
Copy Right Nice Air 2575 Robert Fowler Way, San Jose, CA 95148 Phone(408)729-3383
No Flap Landing
Select the arrow marking before the threshold as the aiming point(at RHV).
1. Before landing check.
2. Set throttle 1400RPM, check airspeed, pitch for 70kt, Start descend.
3. Turn base. Maintain 70kt. Fly normal glide path.
Turn final. Maintain 70kt. Fly normal glide path.1. thorough 5. Since your aiming point is before
threshold, VASI will be red over pink on final though you are making normal descent. But you don’t
want to be too low. Check altitude when you turn base, final to verify your descent path. Adjust power
and pitch as necessary to maintain the path.
4. Adjust power to maintain normal path.
When there is strong head wind, you can maintain correct flight path by adjusting power. When there
is no head wind, for example in the morning, you will be too high even though your power is idle.
Don’t push nose down too much. Otherwise you can’t keep 70kt. Pitch attitude for 70kt without flap
is higher than the attitude for normal landing with flap. So, keep nose high enough to maintain 70kt,
check airspeed frequently, adjust power.
5. Use forward slip as necessary.
If the path is too shallow with power idle, use forward slip before it’s too late.
6. Clear the brake.
7. Close throttle, flare, touch down.
8. Lower the nose, maintain directional control, brake.
Use caution for the brake. Since the airspeed is faster than normal, it requires more distance to stop.
Don’t lock the tire.
9. Taxi out, clear the runway, stop, after landing check.
Forward Slip
You can use forward slip with and without flap to lose excessive altitude or to lose airspeed. However, as
placarded, avoid slip with flap extended because the rate of descend will be very steep with full flap.
1. Align with center line. Set up the airspeed (70kt no flap, 65kt with flap).
2. Reduce power to idle.
3. Use rudder opposite to the wind, aileron into wind, , lower the nose to keep airspeed.
Make sure the nose points downwind side. The airspeed indication for the right slip and left slip is
deferent because of the position of the static port. Slip to the left, static port receive dynamic air. It
indicates lower than actual. Slip to the right, static port receive negative pressure. It indicates higher
than actual. Adjust aileron and rudder pressure to keep extended centerline.
4. Recover at proper altitude.