based Motion Generator PMotion
Page 26
User Manual for PMotion
Segment 1 and 3 are constant velocity segments to reach an exact printing result, segment 2 is
a sine-squared velocity segment for catching up or pausing. The master cycle length is 23874
increments (300 mm with a resolution of 79.58 inc. per mm). The print area is 80 mm either side
of zero from position 17508 to 6336. The circumference of the print drum is 374 mm and the
encoder resolution is 27.76 inc. per mm. This indicates that the cycle length of the slave axis is
10382 inc. and the printing area of slave axis is from position 8155 through zero to 2210 inc.
How to create the map:
Start the motion design tool PMotion. A default map with a polynomial segment appears in
the motion screen.
Insert two segments by using the function „Append Segment“ in the menu „Edit“. The new
segments are polynomials, the default length is 1000 inc. The master cycle length is
matched automatically when inserting new segments.
Open the dialog box “Map Settings“ in the menu „Edit“ or press „CTRL+M“. Type in a name
for the map in the text box „Map Name” or retain the default name. The default value of
number of steps (1000) can be kept on. Enter the master cycle length of 23874 increments.
When applying the new value a message box appears with the question, if the map should
be extended or the last segment has to be adapted. Please choose “Yes” for extending the
In the toolbar „Segment parameters“ on the left side of the window the segments can be
configured. Choose the segment types and edit the required master and slave values. To
change selection of segments click with the left mouse button into the area of a segment or
use the arrow buttons in the toolbar for segment navigation.
The velocity of slave axis in the area “Constant velocity” is calculated from the master
velocity (0.349 * V
). The result is 8328 increments per second.
Segment 1:
Select segment type „Constant velocity“
Enter master end position: 6336 inc.
- Select „Slave velocity“ by switching the right arrow button in the dialog „Slave“, select
„Value as specified“ for „Start segment“ in the dialog „Passage Conditions“ and enter
the slave velocity of 8328 inc./sec. in the text entry box „Slave start“. To apply the
changes press enter or the button “Apply” on the bottom of the segment parameters
Select segment type „Sine-squared velocity“
- Enter master end position: 17508 inc. (start printing)
- Enter slave end position: 8155 inc. (start printing)
- Select segment type „ Constant velocity “
- Enter master end position: 23874 inc. (= master cycle length)
- Select „Slave velocity“ by switching the right arrow button in the dialog „Slave“, select
„Value as specified“ for „Start segment“ in the dialog „Passage Conditions“ and enter
the slave velocity of 8328 inc./sec. in the text entry box „Slave start“. To apply the
changes press enter or the button “Apply“ on the bottom of the segment parameters