based Motion Generator PMotion
User Manual
for PMotion
Page 15
7.2.4 Menu
Create Map Table
Creates the current map shape as a map table in a ptf-file (ptf = PMC
text file). With the text editor PEdit you can download this map to the
Create Map Sequence
Creates the current map shape as a map sequence in a ptf-file (ptf =
PMC text file). With the text editor PEdit you can download this
sequence to the controller. The internal Motion Generator on the
controller is able to generate maps from this sequence during runtime.
Download map table
Downloads the current map shape as a map table directly to the
Download map sequence
Downloads the current map shape as a controller sequence directly to
the controller. The internal Motion Generator on the system is able to
generate maps from this sequence during runtime.
Active map from system
Imports the last map sequence to be executed (XS command) from
the connected controller.
Map sequence from system
Imports a map from a map sequence saved on a controller.
Map sequence from file
Imports a map from a map sequence saved in a ptf file.
If values in the map sequence are defined as variables, you can
enter a value for these during import for showing the map.
Export map as FB for SoftPLC
Exports the current map (map table or map sequence) as a function
block for the system integrated Software PLC.