10 Commissioning
Installation manual PMCprimo Drive2
10.3 Parametrization
of the PMCprimo Drive2
To facilitate the parametrization der PMCprimo Drive2, a motor database is supplied with the drive.
You can find the parameters for a lot of possible combinations between the PMCprimo Drive2 and
the motors of the PMCtendo AC1 and AC2 series.
An exact description of all parameters and the possibilities for optimizing the control loop
characteristics can be found in the software manual
10.4 Programming
the PMCprimo Drive2
All programming of the PMCprimo Drive2 is done with a normal terminal program e.g.
A succesful optimation of the PMCprimo Drive2 position controller is only possible after an
well done optimation of the current and speed controllers with PDRIVE.
For further details see the the PMCprimo programming manual.
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