PICHLER Kunststofftechnik GmbH
Reports on the Display
Please get a note for the reports on the Display. If the reports not leave within 24 hours,
the fault must be clean.
Please read further faults possibilities.
Fault / malifunction
to absorb the fault
PH, or redox value is over-
or underline.
- check if the container with liquid full or empty
(Please refill or replace the liquid at time. !)
The flow gauge is marked
with „X“
- No flow, please check if the cone is down.
- The filter sieve in the measure cell is dirty, please clean it.
Best for use take a old toothbrush and clean under cold
water tap.
- The flow sensor is broken, please renew it.
It shows on the screen the
- Sombody had a bath before.
- The circulation pump stopped more than 10 seconds.
- Short time before you made a calibration and the water tap
was closed short time before.
One of the status color
LED is lighting
yellow or red.
- Short time before you calibrate a eletrode, so the electrode
life time ended. Please replace a new electrode.
- In the mainscreen the gauge is changing, as example
only 30 days. This is a 30 days countdown, and within this
time must be replace the electrode.
- You had calibrate wrong, please repeat it.
Please take sure during the calibration the electrode was into
the reference cotainer with liquid.
The status LED are
lighting green.
- Everything is ok.
Options, Updates, Service
Optionen sind: free clorine cell ( for commercial using ), µS-electrode
Softwareupdates: Only the factory or dealer can update the software.
Service: If you have any questions please write an email to: [email protected]
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