Use the circuit below if your application requires AC coupled signals.
The following arguments are used in the Function Generator commands:
● addr: the address of the DAQC2plate board being addressed. This can be 0-7 and is set via the
address selection header described above
● chan: the output channel being referenced by the command. This can take on the value of 1 or 2.
● freq: the desired output frequency of the selected channel. This should be in the range of 10 to 10,000.
Note that due to onboard filtering and the method of generation, some of the more complex waveforms
will start showing distortion at frequencies greater than 5,000 Hz. The sine maintains its shape up to
10Khz before sampling artifacts become apparent.
● type: this argument sets the waveshape. Valid values are:
○ 1: sine - lookup table generated
○ 2: triangle - lookup table generated triangle wave
○ 3: square - computed
○ 4: sawtooth - lookup table generated
○ 5: inverted sawtooth - lookup table generated
○ 6: noise - computed 24 bit pseudo random output updated at 200Khz
○ 7: sinc - the classic sin(x)/x function generated with lookup table
● level: the two function generator outputs can be attenuated using the following level values:
○ 4: Full amplitude
○ 3: 1/2 amplitude
○ 2: 1/4 amplitude
○ 1: 1/8 amplitude
The list of commands is shown below:
● fgON(addr,chan) - enable function generator on selected channel. Note that this function also places
the DAQCplate in Function Generator mode.
● fgOFF(addr,chan) - disable function generator on selected channel. Note that both channels have to be
OFF before the DAQCplate will exit the Function Generator mode.
● fgFREQ(addr,chan,freq) - sets the desired frequency of the selected channel
● fgTYPE(addr,chan,type) - sets the waveshape of the selected channel. See the list of applicable values
● fgLEVEL(addr,chan,level) - sets the amplitude of the selected channel. See the list of applicable values
The Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) on the DAQC2plate has a sample rate of 1 million samples per second.
Combine that with an input voltage range of ±12V and you've got the basic elements of a one or two channel