bottom of switch
(wires extending)
Page 14
If you want the toggle lever to extend further through the tender floor and still
have the water valve cover fit down over it, you could trim down the handle extension
inside the valve lid and put a drop of glue to hold the handle in place. To extend the
toggle lever's reach through the hole, experiment with removing one (or more)
washers or nuts from the switch until you get the results you want. You want to be
sure the valve cover will slide into the hole without obstruction. Keep in mind, though,
that the lever cannot protrude too far or the valve lid will not fit flush (or nearly so)
even after you have trimmed the handle extension.
In order to avoid loosening the switch mounting screw if you move the toggle lever
often, position the switch relative to the bracket as shown in the sketch to the right
before reinstalling the bracket to the inside of the tender
body. Insert the toggle lever through the hole in the floor of
the tender and check the positioning of the toggle lever, making
sure the tiny water valve lid fits back into place. (It may not fit
flush with the tender floor, but it should not protrude too far.)
Fasten the phillips screw securely.
By using care the glue seal can be broken and the lid removed to expose the hole for
the toggle lever.] Inside the tender body below the hole is a metal bracket fastened
to the car with a phillips screw. Remove the screw and plate.
One extension of the bracket functions as the
support leg. The larger hole in the other leg of the
bracket is for mounting the volume control switch.
On the volume control switch, unscrew one nut and
one lock washer from the threads below the toggle
lever. Leave the other washer and nut in place to
serve as a spacer to properly adjust the protrusion of the toggle through the tender
floor. This is important because the tiny valve lid will not fit back in the outside hole if
the toggle extends too far. You need only enough of the lever peeking up to move it
in either direction using your fingernail or a small screwdriver. A little experimentation
may be necessary.
support leg