Installation & User’s Manual
PL3 LED Luminaires
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Pan & Tilt DMX Operation Notes
• PL3MKIT is an accessory and is sold separately. PL3MKIT must be installed in order to use this feature.
• Under DMX Control, the PAN and TILT are interlocked, you cannot move both at the same time. In order to move
PAN, TILT and BEAM the level for each axis of movement must be set to 50% (DMX 127) to start. To initiate
movement, from the starting point of 50% (DMX 127) the user must set values above or below this level. Increas-
ing the value above 50% starts movement in one direction and entering a value below 50% moves the luminaire or
the focus in the opposite direction. The greater the change in value the faster the luminaire will move (see table).
To stop movement return the control to the 50%.
• The very ends of the DMX ranges 0-15 and 239-255, represent the end of travel stop ranges; if that range is entered
you must return to 50% (DMX 127) before it will move again. This was done so that if a DMX control device uses
sliders, 0 is stopped and moving back towards 50% (DMX 127) will not cause the fixture to move.
• All Strand Lighting Palette and Light Palette consoles feature fixture libraries to simplify control of these lumi-
naires. The luminaire attribute map is published in this manual and has been provided to all console manufacturers
to allow them to create fixture libraries. Contact your console manufacturer for a library if you do not have one in
your control system.
"Pan & Tilt DMX
Operation Notes" on
page 18
for more
0 - 255
0 - 100%
DMX 127
Motor Stop)
Controls Tilt motor in 3 speeds, forward and
backwards as follows . . .
Motor Stop = DMX 0 - 15
Motor <<< Fast = DMX 16 - 49
Motor << Medium = DMX 50 - 84
Motor < Slow = DMX 85 - 119
Motor Stop = DMX 120 - 135
Motor > Slow = DMX 136 - 170
Motor >> Medium = DMX 171 - 204
Motor >>> Fast = DMX 205 - 238
Motor Stop = DMX 239 - 255
Table 2: PL3 Luminaire DMX Channel Mapping (16-Bit Mode)