P r e v i e w V i d e o
When you first open the Videogram Creator application you will be in the “Preview” mode. In the “Preview” mode, video
displays from the Philips PCA635VC.
If video is not displayed when you click on the preview button AND all the connectors are tightly plugged in, then go
back to Chapter 5 and make sure that all of the Vital Settings are correctly set.
In this mode you’ll want to check the quality of the video. Settings used to change the way the video looks are described
in Chapter 5. Now is the time to correct these settings before continuing to Step 2. Also make minor adjustments to
the position or angle of the camera and adjust the overall lighting if needed.
R e c o r d & P l ay V i d e o
After you have previewed the video and adjusted your settings, click on the “Record” button (shown left). This button sets
up the video capture mode. Notice after clicking this button that the following Recording Count Down will appear:
When the “1” disappears, the system begins recording video (you can adjust the length of the countdown from five to zero
seconds by selecting the “Edit” menu, then “Preferences”). In the lower section of the Videogram Creator software window
a display is constantly informing you how many frames have been captured and how many (if any) have been dropped.
To stop recording video, simply click the left mouse button when the arrow is postioned over the record button or hit the
ESC key on the keyboard.
There will be a still image of the first frame in the video clip you just recorded. Locate the Tool Bar at the bottom of the
video window and click on the Play button (shown left). This button works just like the Play button on your VCR as well
as the other buttons next to it. These common symbols are used to represent STOP, REWIND, PLAY, FAST FORWARD
and PAUSE.
Videogram Creator Window
Recording Count Down