Philips Semiconductors
Preliminary User Manual
ARM-based Microcontroller
Rules for Single Edge Controlled PWM Outputs
1. All single edge controlled PWM outputs go high at the beginning of a PWM cycle unless their match value is equal to 0.
2. Each PWM output will go low when its match value is reached. If no match occurs (i.e. the match value is greater than the
PWM rate), the PWM output remains continuously high.
Rules for Double Edge Controlled PWM Outputs
Five rules are used to determine the next value of a PWM output when a new cycle is about to begin:
1. The match values for the next PWM cycle are used at the end of a PWM cycle (a time point which is coincident with the
beginning of the next PWM cycle), except as noted in rule 3.
2. A match value equal to 0 or the current PWM rate (the same as the Match channel 0 value) have the same effect, except as
noted in rule 3. For example, a request for a falling edge at the beginning of the PWM cycle has the same effect as a request
for a falling edge at the end of a PWM cycle.
3. When match values are changing, if one of the "old" match values is equal to the PWM rate, it is used again once if the neither
of the new match values are equal to 0 or the PWM rate, and there was no old match value equal to 0.
4. If both a set and a clear of a PWM output are requested at the same time, clear takes precedence. This can occur when the
set and clear match values are the same as in, or when the set or clear value equals 0 and the other value equals the PWM
5. If a match value is out of range (i.e. greater than the PWM rate value), no match event occurs and that match channel has no
effect on the output. This means that the PWM output will remain always in one state, allowing always low, always high, or
"no change" outputs.