ZoneScape 1-A module documentation
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The ZoneScape modules allows the user to setup schedules for the Zones / Relays.
The Schedules can be set using the ZoneScape App for Android or IOS depending on
the user's Smartphone / Operating System.
The ZoneScape module Support the following type of schedules:
Specific date Schedule (turn ON and OFF of the relays / zones on a specific
Daily repeat Schedules (turn ON and OFF of the relays / zones on a daily basis
/ every day repeats
Weekly repeats Schedule (turn ON and OFF of the relays / zones on specific
Weekdays e.g. MON, TUE, WED)
All of the above schedules are configured in the module via the ZoneScape App for
Android and / or IOS.
The App allows configuring of schedules via the "Schedule" tab.
Once the user tap on the "Schedule" tab he will be able to configure a schedule for
any of the Zones / Relays.
The procedure for configuring a Schedule for a Light / Zone / relay starts with the
selection of the target Light to be controlled. That can be done by tapping on the
"Select Light" field in the Schedule tab. After the User tap on the "Select Lights" field
from the Schedule tab, a new screen pops up where the user can select which lights
/ zones to configure for this specific schedule. The user can either select just one
light / zone , two , three or all the four lights / zones.