ZoneScape 1-A module documentation
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Save settings. Click OK to ZoneScape not being connected.
You are now set up and connected. Test light zones with app.
The static ip of xxx.xx.x.200 could be anything from 2-253. With our suggestion of
200, Residential properties should not have anything statically assigned to .200 and
operate fine. If this is being setup in a commercial setting, their IT/Network team
will need to be involved to properly set up a static connection between ZoneScape
and internet router that complies with their network system.
Configuring ZoneScape for wired connection to a Wireless LAN Router
Two or more ZoneScape units can be connected together using a standard RJ45
wired Ethernet connection to a 802.11 b/g/n/ac Wireless Router. In this case the
ZoneScape units are configured for wired mode, connected to the LAN interfaces of
the 802.11 b/g/n/ac Wireless Router . The Wireless Router provides the Wireless
access to all the units configured in the network. The Benefit of using a Wireless
router is that the router can be connected to the internet, allowing the user to
browse the internet and at the same time control and setup schedules for the
ZoneScape modules configured in that network.
- RJ45 Ethernet cables from each ZoneScape unit to the Wireless WiFi Router.
- A Standard 802.11 b/g/n/ac router with 2 or more Ethernet / RJ45 ports available.
- 2 or more ZoneScape units configured as per the description below
Setting up a ZoneScape unit in wired mode:
Connect to every ZoneScape unit via WiFi
Open a web browser and point to
Enter the credentials in the popup window (admin:admin)
Select Default mode from the Net Mode selector
open the URL
in your Web Browser
Click on "operation mode" on the left and select "Bridge" mode
Click on the Apply button
Wait 20 seconds for the unit to reboot and then
visit again the URL
Then enter the desired IP address as per the target router network in
"Internet Settings"->"LAN" settings on the above webpage
Click on the Apply button