Philips FTP1.1E Service Manual Download Page 118

Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts




Layout Small Signal Panel Mapping (Bottom Side)

CL 36532075_45m.eps


1301 B5
1305 B5
1306 B5
1307 B5
1308 B5
1404 A3
1406 A6
1407 B6
1409 B5
1410 B5
1411 B5
1A00 D5
1D01 A1
1D07 A2
1I01 A5
1I03 A8
1I04 A6
1I05 A2
1I06 A2
1I07 A3
1I08 A8
1I09 A6
1I19 A8
1P00 C8
1P01 C8
1P02 C8
1P03 C8
1P04 B8
1P05 C8
1P07 C8
1P08 B9
1P09 C9
1P10 C8
1P11 C8
1P12 C8
1P50 C8
1T01 A9
1T02 A9
1Y01 F5
1Y20 F6
1Y45 F9
1Y81 F2
1Y82 F8
1Y88 F7
2000 E6
2001 E6
2003 C4
2010 C5
2013 B3
2017 B5
2019 B4
2022 C4
2023 B4
2024 C4
2026 B4
2033 B4
2036 B4
2038 B4
2040 B4
2041 B5
2052 A4
2053 A3
2054 A3
2055 A3
2056 A3
2057 A3
2060 B3
2061 A3
2063 C4
2068 C4
2072 C4
2074 C4
2302 B6
2303 C6
2304 C6
2306 B6
2307 C5
2308 C6
2309 C5

2310 C5
2311 B5
2312 B5
2313 C5
2319 C6
2320 C5
2321 C5
2323 C5
2325 B5
2326 C6
2328 C5
2335 C6
2337 C6
2338 C6
2341 C6
2342 C6
2343 C6
2345 A5
2346 A5
2354 B6
2366 B6
2369 C6
2370 C6
2371 B5
2372 B5
2374 B6
2375 B6
2378 B6
2384 B6
2385 B6
2386 C6
2387 B6
2390 B6
2402 B6
2418 B5
2419 B5
2420 C6
2421 B6
2422 B6
2423 B6
2424 C6
2426 A5
2431 C5
2701 B2
2702 B2
2703 B2
2704 B2
2705 B2
2706 B2
2712 B2
2713 E5
2714 D5
2717 C3
2725 B3
2726 C3
2727 B3
2728 D2
2730 D2
2731 B2
2732 B2
2733 A2
2734 A3
2736 B3
2737 B3
2738 B3
2739 B3
2746 E4
2747 B2
2748 E5
2749 C4
2750 C4
2753 D5
2756 D5
2757 D5
2759 C4
2760 D4
2761 D4
2762 D3
2765 E4

2766 E4
2768 B2
2769 E3
2773 E3
2775 D3
2777 D3
2778 D3
2779 D3
2781 E3
2784 D2
2785 D3
2786 D3
2787 D3
2788 D3
2789 D3
2795 C3
2799 D2
2800 C2
2801 D2
2802 D2
2810 B2
2812 C3
2815 B3
2816 B3
2818 B3
2819 C2
2820 C3
2821 C3
2822 C3
2824 E4
2826 C3
2827 B3
2828 C3
2830 A3
2832 C3
2833 C3
2834 D5
2835 C3
2836 D5
2839 C3
2841 B3
2842 C4
2843 C3
2847 A2
2849 C5
2850 C5
2851 B2
2852 C4
2853 A3
2854 A3
2856 D5
2857 A3
2864 A3
2865 A3
2875 E4
2876 E4
2885 B3
2899 D2
2A01 D6
2A05 D5
2A07 D6
2A19 D6
2A28 E6
2A34 E6
2A38 E6
2A64 D6
2A69 D6
2A70 D6
2A72 D6
2A74 D6
2A79 D5
2A80 D6
2A81 D6
2A83 D6
2A84 E5
2A85 E5
2A86 E6
2A88 D6
2A89 D6

2A90 D5
2A91 D5
2A92 D5
2A93 E6
2A94 E6
2A96 E5
2A97 E5
2A98 E5
2A99 D5
2AA0 E6
2AA1 E6
2AA5 D5
2AA9 D5
2AB0 D5
2AB3 D5
2AB4 D5
2AB8 D6
2AD8 D6
2AE0 D6
2AE1 D6
2AE4 E7
2AE6 E7
2AE8 E7
2AF0 D7
2AK8 E5
2AM4 E6
2AN2 E6
2AN3 E6
2AN4 E6
2AN5 E5
2AN6 E6
2AN8 E6
2C00 B5
2C02 B5
2D15 E2
2D17 F1
2D22 D1
2D50 A1
2D51 A1
2D52 A1
2D53 A1
2D54 A2
2D55 A1
2D57 A1
2D58 A2
2D59 A1
2D60 A2
2D62 A1
2D66 A1
2D67 A1
2D68 A1
2D69 A2
2D70 A1
2D72 A1
2D73 A1
2D75 A1
2E19 D1
2E20 D1
2E21 D1
2E23 E2
2E25 D1
2E31 E1
2E32 E1
2E33 E1
2E34 D1
2E39 D1
2E55 C1
2E56 C2
2E57 D1
2E59 D1
2E60 D1
2E63 D1
2E65 D1
2E67 D1
2E68 D1
2E71 C2
2E73 D1
2E76 D2
2E77 C2

2E78 C2
2E80 D1
2E81 E1
2E82 E1
2I04 A7
2I06 B7
2I07 A7
2I08 A8
2I10 A7
2I11 A7
2I12 A7
2I13 A7
2I14 A7
2I15 A7
2I16 A6
2I17 A5
2I18 A5
2I19 A5
2I20 A5
2I21 A5
2I22 A5
2I23 A5
2I24 A5
2I25 A5
2I26 A2
2I27 A2
2I29 A2
2I30 A2
2I31 A2
2I33 A3
2I34 A3
2I35 A3
2I36 A2
2I37 F5
2I38 A8
2I39 A6
2I40 F5
2I43 A8
2I44 A8
2I46 A8
2I47 A6
2I48 F9
2I51 F8
2I52 F9
2I53 F9
2I57 A3
2I58 A3
2I59 E8
2I60 F9
2I79 A8
2I92 A8
2I93 A8
2I99 A8
2IA0 A8
2IA1 A8
2IA2 A8
2IA3 A7
2IA4 A6
2IA5 B8
2IA7 B8
2IB1 A5
2IB3 F7
2IB4 F5
2IB7 F9
2IB8 E8
2IC0 A2
2IC1 A2
2IC3 A3
2IC4 A5
2IC7 F6
2IC9 A4
2IF1 A8
2IF3 F6
2IH0 A8
2IH1 A8
2IH2 B8
2IH3 A6
2IH5 A7
2IH7 A7















2L01 B1
2L02 B1
2L03 B1
2L04 B1
2P01 C8
2P09 C9
2P11 C9
2P12 C9
2P14 C9
2P15 C9
2P16 C9
2P18 C8
2P23 D8
2P24 C8
2P25 C9
2P29 C8
2P30 C8
2P31 D9
2P32 D9
2P33 D9
2P43 C8
2P45 D9
2P46 D9
2P47 D8
2P49 C8
2P51 C8
2P52 C7
2P53 C7
2P54 C7
2P55 C7
2P56 C7
2P57 C7
2P58 C7
2P59 C7
2P60 C7
2P61 C7
2P62 C7
2P63 D7
2P64 D7
2P65 C8
2P66 C7
2P67 D7
2P68 D7
2P69 D7
2P70 B7
2P71 C7
2P72 C7
2P73 C7
2P74 C7
2P75 C7
2P76 C8
2P77 C7
2P78 B8
2P79 B8
2P82 D7
2P83 D7
2P84 D7
2P85 D7
2P87 C8
2P88 C8
2P91 C9
2P92 C9
2P93 C9
2P94 C9
2P95 C8
2P96 C8
2P97 C7
2PA0 C7
2PA1 C7
2PA2 C7
2PA3 C8
2PA9 C8

2PB0 C7
2PB1 C7
2PB2 C7
2PD0 D8
2PE9 D7
2PF2 B7
2PF5 B7
2PF6 B7
2PF7 C8
2S01 B6
2S02 C6
2S06 D6
2S07 D6
2S08 D6
2S09 C6
2S10 C6
2S11 D6
2S12 C6
2S13 C6
2S14 C6
2S15 C6
2S16 D6
2S17 C6
2S18 C6
2S19 C6
2S20 C6
2S21 C6
2S22 C6
2S23 B6
2S25 C6
2S26 B6
2S27 B6
2S28 B6
2S29 B6
2S30 C6
2S31 C6
2S32 C6
2S33 C6
2S34 C6
2S35 B6
2S36 C6
2S37 C6
2S38 B6
2S39 B6
2S40 B6
2S41 B6
2S42 B6
2S43 B6
2S44 B6
2S45 B6
2S46 B6
2T01 A9
2T02 A9
2T03 B8
2T04 A9
2T05 A9
2T06 A9
2T07 A9
2T09 A9
2T10 A9
2T13 A9
2T14 A9
2T15 A9
2T16 A9
2T17 A9
2T18 A9
2U01 F3
2U02 E3
2U06 F3
2U08 F2
2U10 E3
2U19 F4
2U22 F4
2U24 F4
2U25 F4
2U26 F4
2U27 E2
2U28 E2
2U29 F2

2U30 E2
2U33 F4
2U35 F4
2V06 D2
2V07 D2
2V08 D2
2V09 D1
2V10 D1
2V14 D1
2V15 D1
2V16 D1
2V17 D1
2V18 D2
2V19 D2
2V20 D2
2V21 D2
2V22 D2
2V23 D2
2Y01 F7
3000 A6
3001 C4
3002 C4
3004 B5
3005 B4
3006 C3
3007 B3
3008 B5
3010 B4
3013 B5
3014 B5
3015 B5
3016 B5
3017 B5
3022 C4
3023 C4
3028 C4
3029 B4
3030 C4
3031 B4
3032 C4
3034 B4
3036 C4
3037 C4
3040 B5
3041 B5
3042 C5
3045 A4
3046 B3
3048 B4
3049 B4
3050 B4
3051 B4
3052 B4
3053 C4
3054 B4
3055 B4
3056 B4
3057 B3
3061 B4
3062 C4
3064 C5
3067 B5
3069 C4
3072 B4
3079 C4
3081 B3
3082 B4
3083 B4
3085 B4
3086 B4
3087 B4
3088 C4
3092 C4
3093 B4
3094 C5
3095 C5
3096 C5
3097 A3
3098 A4

3100 C4
3101 C4
3102 B4
3303 B6
3305 C6
3307 C6
3308 C6
3310 C6
3311 C5
3312 C6
3313 C6
3314 C6
3315 C6
3316 C6
3319 C6
3323 B5
3324 B6
3325 C6
3326 B5
3327 B5
3328 B5
3331 C5
3333 C5
3334 C5
3337 C5
3338 C6
3339 C6
3350 C6
3351 C6
3352 C6
3354 C6
3355 C6
3356 C6
3357 C6
3358 C6
3359 C6
3360 C6
3362 C6
3364 C6
3365 C6
3366 C5
3367 C6
3368 C6
3369 C5
3378 B5
3380 B6
3382 B6
3383 C6
3384 C6
3385 B6
3386 C6
3389 C6
3391 C6
3392 B6
3401 B5
3403 B6
3405 B6
3407 A5
3408 B5
3410 A5
3414 B5
3415 B5
3417 B6
3419 A6
3420 B6
3421 B6
3434 A5
3435 B6
3441 B5
3445 B6
3450 B6
3451 B6
3452 B6
3453 C6
3454 C6
3455 C5
3456 B6
3457 B5
3459 C6

3463 B5
3465 C6
3467 C6
3468 B6
3470 C6
3471 C6
3701 C4
3709 E5
3710 D5
3711 B3
3712 C4
3722 D5
3723 C4
3724 C4
3731 C5
3732 D5
3733 D5
3758 E5
3759 D5
3764 E4
3765 E4
3766 D3
3767 D3
3770 D3
3771 C3
3785 C3
3786 B3
3787 A3
3788 C3
3789 B3
3790 A3
3791 B3
3792 A2
3804 A3
3805 B3
3806 B3
3807 C3
3808 B3
3809 A3
3810 C3
3813 B3
3816 B3
3828 C3
3831 C4
3837 E3
3845 D3
3851 B2
3852 B2
3A17 D5
3A19 D5
3A30 D6
3A35 D6
3A38 D6
3A45 D5
3A46 D5
3A47 D5
3A48 D5
3A49 D5
3A51 D5
3A52 D5
3A53 D5
3A55 D5
3A56 D5
3A72 E7
3A73 E7
3A75 E7
3A76 E7
3A77 D7
3A78 E7
3A84 E7
3AA2 E6
3C00 B5
3C04 B5
3C05 B5
3C10 B5
3C11 C5
3D41 A1
3D42 A1
3D43 A1

3D44 A1
3D45 A1
3D46 A1
3D47 A1
3D48 A1
3D49 A1
3D50 A1
3D51 A1
3D52 A1
3D55 A1
3D56 A1
3D57 A1
3D58 A1
3D59 A1
3D60 A1
3D61 A1
3D62 A1
3D63 A1
3D64 A1
3D67 A1
3D68 A1
3D69 A1
3D70 A1
3D73 A1
3D79 A1
3D83 A1
3D87 A1
3D88 A1
3D89 A1
3D90 A1
3D91 A1
3D92 A1
3D93 A1
3D94 A1
3D95 A2
3D96 A1
3D97 A2
3D98 A1
3D99 A1
3E04 E1
3E07 D1
3E09 E1
3E10 E1
3E11 D1
3E12 D1
3E13 E1
3E14 E1
3E15 E1
3E16 D1
3E17 E1
3E18 D1
3E22 D1
3E23 D1
3E24 D1
3E45 D1
3E50 E1
3E51 E1
3E52 D1
3E62 C2
3E73 C1
3E74 C1
3E75 C2
3E88 C1
3E89 E2
3I03 B8
3I07 F6
3I13 A7
3I14 A7
3I19 A7
3I20 A7
3I26 B7
3I27 B8
3I28 A6
3I32 F6
3I33 F6
3I34 A7
3I35 A7
3I36 A7
3I37 A7

3I38 A7
3I39 A7
3I40 A6
3I41 A6
3I42 A7
3I43 A7
3I44 A7
3I45 A7
3I46 A7
3I47 A7
3I48 A6
3I49 A6
3I50 A6
3I51 A5
3I52 A5
3I53 A5
3I54 A5
3I55 A5
3I56 A4
3I57 A4
3I58 A4
3I59 A4
3I60 A4
3I61 A5
3I62 A5
3I63 A5
3I64 A5
3I65 A4
3I66 A4
3I67 A4
3I68 A4
3I69 A5
3I70 A5
3I71 A5
3I72 A5
3I73 A5
3I74 A5
3I75 A4
3I76 A4
3I77 A4
3I78 A4
3I79 A5
3I80 A5
3I81 A5
3I82 A5
3I83 A4
3I84 A4
3I85 A4
3I86 A4
3I87 A4
3I88 A4
3I89 A2
3I90 A2
3I91 A2
3I92 A2
3I96 A2
3I97 A2
3I98 A6
3IA0 A2
3IA1 A6
3IA2 A2
3IA3 A2
3IB1 E8
3IB2 A6
3IB3 E8
3IB4 A8
3IB5 A8
3IB7 A8
3IC1 A8
3IC2 A6
3IC3 A6
3IC4 A6
3IC6 A5
3IC7 A8
3IC8 A9
3ID0 A8
3ID2 F9
3ID4 F6
3ID5 F9

3ID6 F9
3IE0 F6
3IE1 F6
3IE2 A3
3IE3 A3
3IE7 A3
3IE8 A3
3IE9 A3
3IF0 A3
3IF1 F9
3IF2 F9
3IF3 F9
3IF4 F9
3IF5 A3
3IF6 A3
3IF7 A3
3IF8 F9
3IF9 F9
3IH0 F6
3IH1 F6
3IH2 F6
3IH3 F5
3IH4 F5
3IH5 A8
3IH6 A8
3IH7 B8
3IH8 A8
3IH9 A8


























3IK1 B8
3IK2 A5
3IK3 A5
3IK4 A7
3IK5 A7
3IK7 B8
3IK9 A6
3IL7 A5
3IL8 A5
3IL9 A5
3IM0 A5
3IM1 A5
3IM2 A5
3IM3 A5
3IN2 A5
3IN3 A5
3IN5 A5
3IN6 A6
3IO5 A3
3IO6 A3
3IP8 A7
3IQ2 B7
3IQ3 B7
3IR0 A8
3IR1 B8
3IR2 A8
3IR3 A8
3IR4 A8
3IR6 B8
3IR7 A8
3IR8 A8
3IS0 A7
3IS2 A5
3IS3 A7
3IS4 A7
3IS5 A7
3IS6 A7
3IT0 A2

3IT2 A2
3IT5 A7
3IT7 A7
3P03 C8
3P04 C8
3P05 C8
3P06 C8
3P09 B8
3P11 B9
3P12 B8
3P13 B8
3P14 C9
3P15 B8
3P16 C8
3P21 C8
3P22 C8
3P23 C8
3P24 C8
3P31 C9
3P32 C9
3P33 C8
3P36 C9
3P37 C8
3P38 C9
3P39 C9
3P40 B9
3P45 C8
3P46 C8
3P47 C9
3P48 C8
3P50 C8
3P51 C8
3P52 C7
3P53 C8
3P54 C7
3P55 C7
3P56 C7
3P57 C7
3P58 C7
3P59 C7
3P60 C7
3P62 D7
3P63 D7
3P64 D7
3P65 B8
3P66 B8
3P67 B7
3P68 B7
3P69 B7
3P70 B7
3P72 B8
3P74 C7
3P75 C7
3P76 C7
3P79 C8
3P80 C8
3P81 C7
3P82 C8
3P85 B8
3P86 C7
3P87 C7
3P88 C7
3P92 C8
3PC0 C8
3PC5 B7
3PD7 C8
3PF5 B7
3PG1 C7
3PH1 B7
3PH5 D7
3PH6 D7
3PH7 D7
3PH9 D7
3S02 D7
3S03 D7
3S04 E6
3S05 E6
3S06 D6
3S07 A6

3S09 C6
3S10 C6
3S11 D6
3T03 A9
3T04 A9
3U12 F4
3U24 F4
3U27 F4
3U32 E2
3U33 E2
3U35 F4
3U36 F4
3U37 F4
3U38 F4
3U39 F4
3U40 F4
3U41 E4
3U42 F4
3U43 F4
3U44 E2
3U45 E2
3U54 F4
3U55 F4
3V03 D1
3V04 C2
3V05 C2
3V07 D2
3V08 D2
3V14 D1
3V15 D1
3V16 D1
3Y00 F9
3Y01 F9
5304 A5
5305 A4
5308 A5
5312 B6
5313 C6
5314 C6
5315 C6
5318 B6
5401 B5
5402 A6
5404 B6
5408 B5
5415 B6
5707 D5
5711 E4
5712 E4
5713 C4
5715 D4
5717 D2
5720 E4
5726 C3
5739 B3
5740 B3
5741 B3
5755 E4
5760 C5
5761 D5
5762 D5
5A04 E6
5A05 E6
5A10 E6
5A11 E6
5A12 E5
5A13 E5
5A14 E5
5A15 E5
5A20 D6
5A21 D6
5A31 D6
5A32 D6
5A33 D6
5A64 E6
5A65 E6
5A66 E6
5D51 A1
5D52 A1

5D53 A1
5D54 A1
5D58 F1
5E01 D1
5E02 D1
5E05 D1
5E06 E1
5E07 E1
5E50 D1
5E51 C2
5I02 E8
5I03 F5
5I04 F5
5I06 F7
5I07 E8
5I09 F8
5I10 F9
5P05 B9
5P08 C8
5P09 D8
5P10 D8
5P11 C9
5P50 C7
5PA9 B7
5S02 D6
5S03 D6
5S04 B6
5S05 C6
5T03 A9
5U01 F2
5U07 F2
5U08 F2
5V06 D1
5V07 D2
5V08 D1
6002 A4
6004 C4
6005 B3
6303 B6
6304 C6
6306 B5
6307 B5
6308 C6
6312 B6
6313 C6
6314 C6
6317 C6
6334 B6
6402 A5
6403 B5
6405 A5
6831 C4
6835 D2
6837 E3
6845 B2
6846 B2
6A01 D6
6A02 D6
6D53 A1
6D54 A2
6D55 A1
6D56 A1
6D57 A1
6D58 A1
6D59 A1
6D60 A1
6D61 A1
6E54 D1
6E55 C1
6I03 E8
6I04 E8
6I05 F9
6I30 A5
6I31 A5
6I34 A5
6I39 A5
6I40 A5
6I49 A5
6I52 A4

6I53 A2
6I54 A2
6I55 A2
6I56 A2
6I57 A2
6I58 A2
6I59 A2
6I60 A2
6I61 A2
6I62 A2
6I63 A3
6I64 A3
6I65 A3
6I66 A3
6I67 A3
6I68 A3
6I69 A2
6I70 A2
6I73 A8
6I74 A8
6I90 A3
6I91 A3
6I92 A3
6I93 A3
6I94 A3
6I95 A3
6I96 A3
6I97 A3
6I98 A3
6I99 A3
6IA5 A8
6IA6 A8
6IA7 A6
6IA8 A8
6P00 B8
6P01 B8
6PB1 B7
6PB5 D7
6PB6 D7
6PB7 D7
6PB9 D7
6T01 A9
6T02 A9
6T03 A9
6T04 A9
6T06 A9
6T07 A9
6T08 A9
6U02 F3
6U10 E2
6U11 F4
6U12 F4
6U14 F4
6U15 F4
6V01 D1
6V02 D2
6V03 D1
7002 B5
7003 B5
7004 B5
7007 A4
7011 C4
7012 C4
7015 C5
7016 C5
7020 C4
7021 C4
7301 C5
7302 C5
7303 C6
7305 C6
7306 C6
7307 B6
7309 C6
7310 C6
7312 B5
7313 C6
7314 C6
7315 C6

7316 C6
7317 C6
7318 C6
7319 C6
7322 B6
7375 C6
7401 A5
7403 B5
7406 B6
7407 A6
7410 B6
7412 B6
7712 E4
7713 D3
7714 D3
7718 C2
7722 B2
7724 A3
7728 C3
7729 B3
7730 A3
7731 C3
7732 B3
7733 B3
7740 D5
7741 D5
7743 D3
7745 C3
7A06 D5
7A07 D5
7A30 E7
7A31 E7
7D51 A1
7D57 A1
7D59 A2
7E15 D1
7E18 D1
7E24 E1
7I00 A8
7I05 A6
7I06 B7
7I07 A8
7I09 A8
7I10 E8
7I13 F9
7I14 F6
7I15 F9
7I16 F9
7I20 A8
7I22 A8
7I23 A8
7I25 A6
7I28 A5
7I29 A5
7I32 A3
7I40 F5
7I41 F6
7I42 F6
7I44 A6
7I50 B7
7P01 B8
7P03 C9
7P04 B9
7P06 C9
7P07 C9
7P11 C9
7P51 C7
7P52 C7
7P53 C7
7P54 D7
7P55 C7
7P56 B7
7PB5 B7
7S03 C6
7S04 D7
7U07 F4
7U13 F4
9001 C5
9002 C5

9003 C4
9004 C4
9005 A4
9006 A4
9007 A4
9008 C4
9009 C4
9010 C4
9011 C4
9012 C4
9013 C4
9014 B5
9015 C4
9019 C4
9020 C4
9300 B6
9308 C5
9309 C5
9310 C5
9311 C5
9312 C5
9313 C6
9318 B6
9319 C6
9401 A5
9402 A5
9403 A5
9405 A5
9406 B6
9407 B5
9410 B6
9413 B6
9415 B5
9418 A6
9420 B6
9421 C6
9701 E5
9702 E4
9709 C3
9712 D2
9713 D2
9716 D3
9717 D3
9721 C2
9722 C2
9723 D2
9724 D2
9725 E4
9726 D5
9737 C4
9743 C4
9753 B3
9758 C3
9760 E3
9761 E3
9A00 D5
9A01 D5
9A02 D6
9A03 D6
9A08 D5
9A09 D5
9C02 A4
9D51 A1
9D52 A1
9D53 A1
9D55 A1
9E53 C1
9E54 C1
9I00 A7
9I01 A7
9I02 A7
9I03 A7
9I04 A8
9I05 F8
9I06 E8
9I07 A3
9I09 A7
9I11 A7
9I13 A8

9I15 A5
9I16 A8
9I19 A5
9I20 B7
9I21 B7
9I25 A6
9I48 A8
9I57 A8
9I58 A8
9I59 A8
9I77 A5
9I79 A3
9I81 A5
9I82 A6
9I85 A3
9I87 A4
9I88 A3
9I89 A4
9I92 A7
9I93 A7
9I94 A8
9I99 F6
9IA2 A4
9IA3 A5
9IA4 A5
9IA5 A6
9IB0 A6
9IB1 A7
9IB2 A7
9IB3 A2
9IB4 E8
9IB5 E8
9IC4 A3
9ID3 F9
9ID4 F9
9IS0 A7
9L03 B1
9L04 B1
9P04 B8
9P05 B9
9P07 C9
9P09 C9
9P10 B8
9P11 B8
9P12 C9
9P16 B8
9P17 C8
9P18 C9
9P20 C8
9P21 C8
9P22 C9
9P23 C8
9P24 C9
9P25 C9
9P28 C8
9P30 C9
9P52 C7
9P53 C7
9P54 C7
9P55 C8
9P56 C8
9P57 B8
9P58 B8
9P59 C9
9P60 B8
9P63 C7
9P64 B8
9P65 B8
9P69 C7
9P71 B7
9S40 C6
9S41 C6
9S42 C6
9S43 E7
9S65 A6

9S66 E6
9S67 E6
9T01 A9
9T02 A9
9T03 A9
9T04 A9
9T05 A9
9T06 A9
9T09 A9
9T10 A9
9T14 A9
9T15 A9
9T16 A9
9Y00 F8
9Y02 F8
9Y03 F8

Summary of Contents for FTP1.1E

Page 1: ...iagram A6 40 42 43 Supply DC Protection Diagram A7 41 42 43 SSB Connector Diagram B1 44 72 83 SSB IF I O Videoprocessing Diagram B2 45 72 83 SSB Feature Box PICNIC Diagram B3A 46 72 83 SSB Falconic Diagram B3B 47 72 83 SSB Eagle Diagram B3C 48 72 83 SSB 2FH Interface Diagram B3D 49 72 83 SSB HOP Diagram B4 50 72 83 SSB OTC Flash Diagram B5A 51 72 83 SSB Backlight Control Diagram B5B 52 72 83 SSB O...

Page 2: ... 60 Hz Ambient temperature 5 to 40 deg C Maximum humidity 90 R H Power consumption Normal operation 340 W Standby 3 W 1 2 Connections 1 2 1 Rear Bottom Connections Figure 1 1 Rear Bottom connections 1 2 2 Audio receiver if present Audio In Cinch C Audio Centre jq Audio Out Cinch R Audio R 0 5 V_rms 1 kohm kq L Audio L 0 5 V_rms 1 kohm kq Audio Out Cinch R Audio R 0 5 V_rms 1 kohm kq L Audio L 0 5 ...

Page 3: ... x 5 Blue Gnd Ground H x x x 6 Audio L 0 5 V_rms 10 kohm j x x x 7 Blue U 0 7 V_pp 75 ohm j x x o C out 0 3 V_pp 75 ohm k o 8 CVBS status 0 2 V INT 4 5 7 V EXT 16 9 9 5 12 V EXT 4 3 j x x x 9 Green Gnd Ground H x x x 10 P50 Easylink jk o x o 11 Green Y 0 7 V_pp 75 ohm j x x o 12 N C o o o 13 Red Gnd Ground H x x x 14 FBL Gnd Ground H x x x 15 Red V 0 7 V_pp 75 ohm j x x o C in 0 3 V_pp 75 ohm j x ...

Page 4: ...etal tools This will prevent any short circuits and the danger of a circuit becoming unstable 2 3 Notes 2 3 1 General In order to prevent damage to ICs and transistors avoid all high voltage flashovers All ICs and many other semiconductors are susceptible to electrostatic discharges ESD w Careless handling during repair can reduce life drastically Make sure that during repair you are connected wit...

Page 5: ...mounting instructions follow the separate template Make sure that the wall mount is being fixed securely enough so that it meets safety standards The weight of the TV excl packaging is about 35 kg How to mount the supplied stand see the separate leaflet Note other not supplied stands are optional accessories Consult your dealer é Place or hang the TV wherever you want but make sure that air can ci...

Page 6: of the countries applies è Proceed with the Install menu Install Language Country Automatic Manual Give name Reshuffle Favourite install install programmes The installation menu contains the following items EasyLink If your video recorder has an EasyLink function during installation the language country and available channels are automatically transmitted to the video recorder Language English ...

Page 7: The Source menu allows you to select a source The Decoder menu allows you to define one or more programme numbers as decoder programme numbers General Menu background Factory settings NEX TV IEW provider OSD Programme title Teletext level 2 5 Auto surround Set Change code Setup 6 Select Automatic install in the Install menu Note All channels must be unlocked in order to autoprogram If requested...

Page 8: ...nstallation settings NEX TV IEW provider Select a TV broadcaster that provides NEX TV IEW data How to make use of NEX TV IEW see p 13 OSD On Screen Display See Use of the remote control p 3 i On screen information Select OSD é Select Normal to activate the continuous display of the programme number Also TV channel and programme information are extended Minimum will display reduced channel informat...

Page 9: ...ound Equalizer Volume Balance Loudness Headphone volume Surround mode Dual I II Mono Stereo Nicam Analogue 3D effect AVL Delta volume TV Sound Off On On during mute Features Programme list Subtitle Sleeptimer Child lock On timer Zoom TV Features menu Press the cursor right to select Features é Select the menu items with the cursor up down and adjust the settings with the cursor left right Use the ...

Page 10: ...grammes If available a summary or commentary on the programme is displayed at the bottom of the screen Use the cursor up down to scroll through the programmes 12 Programme list Press the OK key to switch over to the selected TV channel or external Select subtitles The subtitle page must be stored for each TV channel Switch on teletext and select the proper subtitle page from the index Switch off t...

Page 11: ...rsor up down to scroll through the different programmes If the selected programme contains a page number with an optional subcode referring to a page with more info about the programme press the OK key to display the information Press the OK key again to return to the programme guide page If the selected programme guide page satisfies the VPT requirements it will be possible to record remind watch...

Page 12: ...s the cursor up down to select the menu items Press the cursor right to activate Reveal Reveals conceals hidden information on a page such as solutions to riddles and puzzles Press the cursor right to activate Favourite This list contains up to eight favourite teletext pages Only the pages of the current channel can be selected Press the cursor right to enter the list é Press the cursor right agai...

Page 13: ...he loudspeakers of the TV will now only produce centre sound the loudspeakers connected to the audio receiver will produce Surround Sound The volume has to be controlled via the multi channel Surround receiver Note No sound will be heard when a TV channel or external source is blocked via the Child lock menu see p 12 R L VGA L R 2 CENTRE IN AUDIO OUT 1 Headphone Insert the plug into the headphone ...

Page 14: ... to select the SAT RC 5 system digit key 4 to select the SAT RC 6 system In TV mode it is possible to start a direct recording of the programme which is being displayed on the TV screen Continue to press the record key on the remote control for more than 2 seconds Note Switching programme numbers on your TV does not disturb recording When recording a programme from a peripheral connected to EXT 1 ...

Page 15: ... constant non moving pattern on the monitor screen can cause damage to the screen When your Flat Monitor is continuously used with such a source the pattern of the non moving portion of the game DVD etc could leave an image permanently on the screen When not in use turn the video source Off Regularly alternate the use of such video sources with normal viewing When switching over to another picture...

Page 16: ...s den CVBS und Y C Stecker eines Gerätes gleichzeitig einstecken Français Adaptateur fourni Utiliser l adaptateur péritel cinch pour connecter temporairement des appareils périphériques camescopes appareils photos numériques consoles de jeu sur EXTERNAL 3 Remarque ne pas raccorder de câble CVBS et Y C sur un appareil en même temps Nederlands Bijgevoegde adapter Gebruik de scart naar cinch adapter ...

Page 17: ...nts and alignments also they are very suitable to perform duration tests With this stands the set does not take much space has no risk of over heating and or falling The stands can be mounted and removed quickly and easily with use of the provided screws which can be tightened and loosened manually without the use of tools The stands are also handy to replace the screen Caution Only use the screws...

Page 18: ...m the panel 2 Remove the fixing screws from the panel 3 Remove the panel 4 2 4 EMC Interface Panel and Main Switch Panel See figure Speakers and panels removal Note Before removing the EMC Interface Panel and Main Switch Panel you have to remove the plastic rear cover 1 Remove all T10 parker screws 6 around edges of the plastic rear cover some of them are indicated on figure Rear cover removal 2 D...

Page 19: ...h the SDM the main menu will appear To switch it off push the MENU button again Short for a moment the two solder pads item 9018 on the SSP with the indication SDM Activation can be performed in all modes except when the set has a problem with the main microprocessor Caution If the SDM is entered via the pins all the software controlled protections are de activated Use the DST emulation feature of...

Page 20: ... SAM menu This feature can be helpful to quickly change some settings in the user menu SW MAINTENANCE UPGRADE More info see paragraph Software downloading EVENTS Not useful for service purposes In case of specific software problems the development department can ask for this info BDM INFO Broadcast Debug Menu info The purpose of this menu is to debug the broadcast not the TV The menu gives an over...

Page 21: ... The value can vary from 0 volume is minimum to 100 volume is maximum Volume values can be changed via the volume key on the RC transmitter BRIGHTNESS Gives the last status of the brightness as set by the customer The value can vary from 0 brightness is minimum to 100 brightness is maximum Brightness values can be changed via the CURSOR LEFT and CURSOR RIGHT keys on the RC transmitter after pressi...

Page 22: ...heme of the selected transmitter MOVIES NEWS SHOWS SPORTS CHILDREN MUSIC CULTURE or SERIES TV RATINGS LOCK Only applicable for US MOVIE RATINGS LOCK Only applicable for US V CHIP TV STATUS Only applicable for US V CHIP MOVIE STATUS Only applicable for US OPTIONS 1 Gives the option codes of option group 1 as set in SAM Service Alignment Mode OPTIONS 2 Gives the option codes of option group 2 as set...

Page 23: ...d the TV communicate via a bi directional service cable via the service connector The ComPair faultfinding program is able to determine the problem of the defective television ComPair can gather diagnostic information in two ways Automatic by communication with the television ComPair can automatically read out the contents of the entire error buffer Diagnosis is done on I2C level ComPair can acces...

Page 24: ...vate MSP reset Initialize 3D Combfilter US only Initialize HIP IF source selection 2fh input video processing Switch on the syncoutput set_syncout_tristate off t 1500ms Initialize PICNIC Stand by start time extraction stand by bit off t 500ms Read NVM identification enable watchdog Semi stand by yes Switch On PDP or Initialize PDP ON OFF OTC gets supply voltage ON OFF switch to ON Start time extra...

Page 25: ...uffer was erased The buffer is written from left to right new errors are logged at the left side and all other errors shift one position to the right When an error has occurred the error is added to the list of errors provided the list is not full or the error is a protection error When an error occurs and the error buffer is full then the new error is not added and the error buffer stays intact h...

Page 26: ...hich remains active during Standby This because power of the microprocessor and the attached memory chip set is coming from the 3V3 supply which is derived from the 5V Standby circuitry Therefore in both Power on as in Standby mode the microprocessor is connected to this power supply If a fault situation is detected an error code will be generated and if necessary the set is put in protection mode...

Page 27: ...hort circuiting the 3V3 supply from the PDP will bring the TV in protection mode The absence of the 3V3 supply line is also sensed via I2C and will be mentioned in the error overview 5 8 Repair tips 5 8 1 3V3 Supply As mentioned above the 3V3 supply is switched off when something goes wrong detection of a missing 3V3 supply at one of the devices supplied by the 3V3 Because of this the set goes to ...

Page 28: ...with the NVM I2C bus it spontaneously starts blinking 1 1 1 Note when there is no access to the NVM a lot of picture setting can go wrong No RC reception LED does not echo RC commands uP circuitry or RC receiver is defective In case the set does react on a local keyboard operation you must check the RC receiver circuitry diagram LD Picture is not synchronised The sync is derived in the HIP Check c...

Page 29: ...t contrast to max 100 8 2 Hardware Alignments There are no alignments needed except in case the PDP has been exchanged or the PDP supply has been exchanged In that case both must be matched Figure 8 1 Supply Alignment Procedure See figure above The six potmeters influencing VSB 3V3_VSB_SW VCC D5V 8V6 and VFAN are not critical for matching In case of doubt values can be checked versus mentioned vol...

Page 30: ...e This test pattern can also be very useful for checking the display for pixel failures 8 3 2 2FH ADC ALIGNMENT Only necessary to align when the EPLD or NVM is replaced Use the default values as mentioned in the table Table 8 2 2fH ADC alignment 8 3 3 White point alignment Table 8 3 Default values white point alignment Ignore Test Pattern item in the alignment menu this is not implemented Method 1...

Page 31: ...area are at the same position Default value is 6 8 4 Option Settings 8 4 1 Introduction The microprocessor communicates with a large number of I2C ICs in the set To ensure good communication and to make digital diagnosis possible the microprocessor has to know which ICs to address The presence absence of these specific ICs or functions is made known by the option codes Notes After changing the opt...

Page 32: ... tables below This means in above mentioned sample that Bit 8 14 and 15 are 1 means set and that the rest is 0 So actually this means that the options Aspect Ratio Bit 8 Home Cinema Bit 14 and Integrated RC Bit 15 are set for this particular model Menu item Subjects Options Description Chassis Region Region AP Only for AP Europe Only for Europe Teletext Flash RAM Yes Flash RAM present No Flash RAM...

Page 33: ...ogic 32 On 6 64 n a 0 7 128 n a 0 8 256 n a 0 9 512 n a 0 10 1024 n a 0 11 2048 n a 0 12 4096 n a 0 13 8192 Flash RAM 0 Off 8192 On 14 16384 EPG Type EU only 0 Type2 16384 Textguide only 32768 NextTView 2C3 49152 NexTView 2 15 32768 OB3 0 1 n a 0 OB3 sum of the on bits decimal 1 2 n a 0 2 4 n a 0 3 8 n a 0 4 16 n a 0 5 32 n a 0 6 64 n a 0 7 128 n a 0 8 256 Aspect Ratio 0 4 3 256 16 9 9 512 n a 0 1...

Page 34: ... 2 4 n a 0 3 8 n a 0 4 16 Region 0 EU 16 AP PAL multi 32 AP NTSC 48 US 5 32 6 64 7 128 8 256 n a 0 9 512 n a 0 10 1024 n a 0 11 2048 n a 0 12 4096 n a 0 13 8192 n a 0 14 16384 n a 0 15 32768 n a 0 OB7 0 1 n a 0 OB7 sum of the on bits decimal 1 2 n a 0 2 4 n a 0 3 8 n a 0 4 16 n a 0 5 32 n a 0 6 64 n a 0 7 128 n a 0 8 256 n a 0 9 512 n a 0 10 1024 n a 0 11 2048 n a 0 12 4096 n a 0 13 8192 n a 0 14 ...

Page 35: ...n Erasable Programmable Logic Device EPLD This chassis has no PIP no FDW and no TXT DW Also features like Dolby DVD loader HDD and or radio are not present In this chapter the European version is described In some cases also the US version is described 9 1 1 Features This chassis has the following new features Next step Active Control with two new bars Motion and Tint Control bar four split demos ...


Page 37: ...livers the RGB signals to the PDP panel The sound part is built around an MSP Multi channel Sound Processor for IF sound detection sound control and source selection Amplification is done via a class D integrated power amplifier IC the TDA7490 The microprocessor called OTC OSD TXT CC and Control takes care of the analogue TXT input processing and output processing The OTC ROM and RAM are supplied ...

Page 38: ...the top control long press to semi stand by Via a protection to standby 2 The running instructions are finished 3 The PDP is switched off this is controlled by the OTC by means of the STANDBY line Sound is muted If there was a protection the STANDBY line is put high and the set goes to standby 4 If there was no protection the set goes to semi standby 5 After an event in semi standby the set goes t...

Page 39: ...48 samples per line 8 bits in 422 format This means one bus for Y signal with 8 bits and one bus for UV with 4 U and 4 V bits Depending on the system detected by EBILD the sample frequency is changed Via I2C the PLL_DIV signal is given in 11 bits 2 Bytes When a 1fH input is detected the AD converter is set in tristate 1fH input flow Figure 9 4 Flowchart 1fH detection 1 If a 1fH selection is done e...

Page 40: ...rd as last status Put ADC full power no yes yes no Put picnic to 1FH Set ADC to default value yes wait 200 msec 1Fh detection in HIP yes yes no Unblank demute Put picnic freerun OFF START Selection AV5 or AV6 Eur AV4 or AV5 US ADC to default value no yes no no Set ADC see tookup table get Ebild samples line lines field STDET1 get Ebild samples line lines field STDET2 wait 20 msec wait 20 msec get ...

Page 41: ...ference w r t the European version but comes with extra cables and some different option settings Short overview of video processing The video processing is based on four key functions being The HIP comb filter for simple source select and video chroma processing The EBILD that takes over the video control functions of the HOP as used in CRT based sets The FBX configuration consisting of a PICNIC ...

Page 42: ...combines the microprocessor and TXT OSD functionality it will also handle some of the status detections It also takes care of P50 communication 9 5 2 Video Source Selection Table 9 4 Video input overview The High Definition Input HDI part has two input ports Each port consists of a video input and an audio input The ports are named VGA AV6 and AV5 and will be referred to using these names The phys...

Page 43: ... and as a consequence the video processing output can be CVBS or Y C No software interaction is needed Remark Enabling the comb filter does not necessarily mean that the signals will be combed The comb filter must be disabled in case of RGB and for YPbPr 1fH to avoid big horizontal shifts of the picture caused by the comb filter processing The comb filter is also disabled at very low quality anten...

Page 44: ... a SIF input 4 stereo inputs and one mono input As this chassis needs more inputs one matrix IC TEA6422D item 7I17 is added The stereo inputs on this IC are For Europe EXT1 EXT2 EXT3 AV5 YPbPr 2fH 3fH AV6 VGA For USA AV1 AV2 AV4 YPbPr 1fH or 2fH 3fH AV5 DVI There are three separated outputs on the matrix IC but only the main output MAIN_IN going to the MSP is used The MSP has the following inputs ...

Page 45: ...riable resistors is lost as heat particularly in the output transistors Class D amplifiers were developed as a way to increase the efficiency of audio power amplifier systems Figure 9 9 Principle Class D Amplifier The Class D amplifier works by varying the duty cycle of a Pulse Width Modulated PWM signal By comparing the input voltage to a triangle wave the amplifier increases duty cycle to increa...

Page 46: ...peaker for DC voltages The following protections are therefore implemented Via R3765 and R3775 each stabilised supply voltage line via items 7735 and 7745 is checked on deviations Via R3770 3771 3780 3781 each amplifier output is checked for DC voltage Via R3765 3775 a virtual earth is imposed on point A When one of the supply voltages deviates a DC voltage will occur on this point If point A is p...

Page 47: ...nput signals do not come via the HIP and PICNIC but via the AD9883A This AD converter delivers H and V sync signals to the EBILD H 2FH AD OUT and V 2FH AD OUT These inputs are used for standard detection and H and V shift The EBILD divides the pulses by two and switches the H and V syncs to the Eagle H_ref and V_ref The Eagle delivers new sync pulses HD_E and VD_E converted to the new line and fra...

Page 48: ...microprocessor This input can sense the absence of the 8V The failure is filtered by software and put in the error buffer for serviceability The set must go into protection 5V protection The microprocessor can sense the absence of the 5V The failure must be filtered by software and put in the error buffer for serviceability The set must go into protection Because of the architectural set up of the...

Page 49: ...voltage then during the display time the display voltage is applied to the entire screen lighting those that were addressed Each sub frame has a weighting factor Time entity depends on size and number of pixels on the screen This is a purely digital PWM control mechanism which is a key advantage as it eliminates any unnecessary digital to analogue conversions 9 10 3 LVDS Interface Standard single ...

Page 50: use the EPG flash to boot up the software upgrade procedure Therefore the complete procedure relies on the presence of that one Figure 9 15 Memory diagram after bus exchange In order to be able to write new software code to the set we therefore must copy the bootstrap code to a free memory area e g the EPG flash memory in order to be able to execute externally the upgrade procedure code Solutio...

Page 51: and software control system that measures picture content and adapts image parameters in a dynamic way AV External Audio Video B G Monochrome TV system Sound carrier distance is 5 5 MHz BTSC Broadcast Television Standard Committee Multiplex FM stereo sound system originating from the USA and used e g in LATAM and AP NTSC countries B TXT Blue TeleteXT C Centre channel audio CL Constant Level aud...

Page 52: ...stomer and read and stored in RAM or in the NVM They are called at start up of the set to configure it according to the customer s preferences LATAM Latin America LCD Liquid Crystal Display LED Light Emitting Diode L L Monochrome TV system Sound carrier distance is 6 5 MHz L is Band I L is all bands except for Band I LS Loudspeaker LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signalling Mbps Mega bits per second...

Page 53: ... output AD converter SVGA 800x600 4 3 SVHS Super Video Home System SW Software SXGA 1280x1024 SYNCDET SOGOUT from AD converter TFT Thin Film Transistor THD Total Harmonic Distortion TXT TeleteXT TXT DW Dual Window with TeleteXT uP Microprocessor U_2FH_0 7 U digital output AD converter port 0 to 7 7 MSB UXGA 1600x1200 4 3 V V sync to the module V_2FH_0 7 V digital output AD converter port 0 to 7 7 ...

Page 54: ... UVG3 178 UVG4 179 VDDC 180 VSS 181 UVG5 182 UVG6 183 UVG7 184 YG0 185 YG1 186 YG2 187 YG3 188 YG4 189 YG5 190 YG6 191 YG7 192 VDDA 193 VSS 194 CLK32O195 VSS 196 VDDC 197 VSS 198 RSTW_YUV199 WEYUV_F200 RSTRUV 201 REUV 202 RSTRY 203 REY 204 FALREF 205 REFIN 206 WEYUV_G 207 VDDA 208 VDDC 1 VSS 2 VDDA 3 UVF0 4 UVF1 5 UVF2 6 UVF3 7 UVF4 8 UVF5 9 UVF6 10 UVF7 11 VSS 12 VDDC13 YF0 14 YF1 15 YF2 16 YF3 1...



Page 57: ...le 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 AD9066 JR AR ENCODE D5A MSB VS D4A GND D3A GND D2A VS D1A INA D0A LSB GND GND VS VS VT D5B MSB REF A D4B INB D3B REF B D2B VB D1B NC D0B LSB NC NO CONNECT TOP VIEW Not to Scale 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 AD9066 ARS ENCODE D5A MSB VS D4A D3A D2A D1A INA D0A LSB GND VS VS VT ...

Page 58: ...50V 0603 2760 5322 124 41945 22µF 20 35V 2770 5322 126 11578 1nF 10 50V 0603 2771 5322 126 11578 1nF 10 50V 0603 2780 5322 126 11578 1nF 10 50V 0603 2781 5322 126 11578 1nF 10 50V 0603 2799 5322 126 11583 10nF 10 50V 0603 f 3201 4822 051 30221 220Ω 5 0 062W 3202 4822 051 30102 1kΩ 5 0 062W 3203 4822 051 30272 2 7kΩ 5 0 062W 3205 4822 051 30221 220Ω 5 0 062W 3206 4822 051 30102 1kΩ 5 0 062W 3207 48...

Page 59: ...0P 480 10P 8308h 3104 311 06521 Cable 13P 340 13P 8309h 3104 311 00351 Cable 3p 400 3p kr 8311h 8204 000 76372 Cable TW p 13 280 DF19 g 2000 4822 124 12095 100µF 20 16V 2001 4822 124 12095 100µF 20 16V 2002 4822 126 11669 27pF 5 50V 0603 2003 4822 126 13879 220nF 20 16V 2004 4822 126 13879 220nF 20 16V 2005 2238 586 59812 100nF 20 80 50V 0603 2006 2238 586 59812 100nF 20 80 50V 0603 2007 2238 586 ...

Page 60: ... 96618 1nF 10 50V 0402 2A01 2020 021 91557 100µF 20 16V 2A02 2020 552 96448 1µF 10 16V 2A03 2020 021 91557 100µF 20 16V 2A04 2020 552 96448 1µF 10 16V 2A05 2020 021 91557 100µF 20 16V 2A06 2020 552 96618 1nF 10 50V 0402 2A07 2020 021 91557 100µF 20 16V 2A08 2020 552 96448 1µF 10 16V 2A10 2238 586 59812 100nF 20 80 50V 0603 2A11 2238 586 59812 100nF 20 80 50V 0603 2A13 2020 552 96618 1nF 10 50V 040...

Page 61: ... 7µF 20 80 10V 2L41 3198 016 31020 1nF 10 25V 0603 2L42 3198 016 31020 1nF 10 25V 0603 2L43 2238 586 59812 100nF 20 80 50V 0603 2L44 2020 552 96305 4 7µF 20 80 10V 2L45 3198 016 31020 1nF 10 25V 0603 2L46 3198 016 31020 1nF 10 25V 0603 2L47 2238 586 59812 100nF 20 80 50V 0603 2L48 4822 122 33752 15pF 5 50V 2L50 4822 122 33752 15pF 5 50V 2L52 3198 017 34730 47nF 16V 0603 2L53 4822 124 81059 220µF 2...

Page 62: ... 15Ω 5 0 62W 0603 3831 4822 117 13545 100Ω 1 0402 3832 4822 117 13545 100Ω 1 0402 3833 4822 117 13545 100Ω 1 0402 3834 4822 117 13545 100Ω 1 0402 3836 4822 117 13545 100Ω 1 0402 3837 4822 117 13545 100Ω 1 0402 3838 4822 117 13545 100Ω 1 0402 3839 4822 117 13545 100Ω 1 0402 3840 4822 117 13545 100Ω 1 0402 3841 4822 117 13545 100Ω 1 0402 3842 4822 117 13545 100Ω 1 0402 3843 4822 117 13545 100Ω 1 040...

Page 63: ...320 3 3kΩ 5 0402 3IH0 4822 117 13548 1kΩ 5 0402 3IH1 4822 117 13545 100Ω 1 0402 3IH8 3198 031 04730 47Ω 5 0402 3IH9 3198 031 04730 47Ω 5 0402 3II0 4822 117 13606 10kΩ 5 0 01W 0402 3II1 4822 117 13601 22kΩ 5 0402 3II2 4822 117 13601 22kΩ 5 0402 3II3 3198 031 04730 47Ω 5 0402 3II4 3198 031 04730 47Ω 5 0402 3IJ0 4822 117 13545 100Ω 1 0402 3IJ1 4822 117 13545 100Ω 1 0402 3IJ7 4822 117 13606 10kΩ 5 0 0...

Page 64: ... Bead 30Ω at 100MHz 5A00 4822 157 11716 Bead 30Ω at 100MHz 5A01 4822 157 11716 Bead 30Ω at 100MHz 5A03 4822 157 11716 Bead 30Ω at 100MHz 5A06 4822 157 11716 Bead 30Ω at 100MHz 5A17 4822 051 30151 150Ω 5 0 062W 5A18 4822 051 30151 150Ω 5 0 062W 5A19 4822 157 11828 22µH 20 0805 5A20 4822 157 11716 Bead 30Ω at 100MHz 5A21 4822 157 11716 Bead 30Ω at 100MHz 5D51 4822 157 11716 Bead 30Ω at 100MHz 5D52 4...

Page 65: ...2 170 14668 LF15ABDT 7E08 3198 010 42320 BC857BW 7E09 9322 195 65668 AD9066JR 7E10 9352 686 35118 PCA9515DP 7E12 9340 425 20115 BC847BS 7E13 3198 010 42320 BC857BW 7E14 3198 010 42310 BC847BW 7E16 9322 195 65668 AD9066JR 7E17 3198 010 42320 BC857BW 7E18 9322 146 75685 TS431L 7E19 3198 010 42310 BC847BW 7E20 3198 010 42320 BC857BW 7E21 3198 010 42310 BC847BW 7E22 3198 010 42310 BC847BW 7E23 3198 01...

Page 66: ...ob M LCD 30 0345 4822 267 10459 Connector 3p 1701 2422 128 02778 Tact switch 1702 2422 128 02778 Tact switch 1703 2422 128 02778 Tact switch 1704 2422 128 02778 Tact switch 1705 2422 128 02778 Tact switch f 3001 4822 051 20391 390Ω 5 0 1W 3003 4822 117 13528 200Ω 1 0 125W 0805 3005 4822 117 11951 2kΩ 1 0 1W 3009 4822 117 11534 1 1kΩ 1 0 1W 3011 4822 117 10845 620Ω 1 0 1W 3999 4822 051 20471 470Ω 5...

Page 67: ...Revision List EN 127 FTP1 1E 11 11 Revision List First release ...

Page 68: ...LA03 CN8010 CN8011 CN8007 CN8008 CN8003 CN803 CN804 CN806 0320 9P 12P LVDS 8302 8305 8309 8307 8303 8304 8306 8303 8308 B EMC filter 1330 1345 1355 1320 P Topcontrol 1Y45 20P 10P 13P 8P 3P 10P 3P 10P 3P LD Mains Switch EMC 10P 3P 12P A 8P 0304 0303 4P 4P PDP PDP CL 36532075_006 eps 241103 LSP HIGH L LSP HIGH R LSP LOW R LSP LOW R LSP LOW L LSP LOW L 8311 8345 CONNECTOR BOTTOM SIDE CONNECTOR TOP SI...

Page 69: ... 11 12 30 56 31 49 57 7L01 AD9883AKST 67 2 9 70 77 12 19 65 64 66 CLK 2FH SELECT VGA YPBPR SYNCDET V 2FH AD OUT H 2FH AD OUT Y AD 0 7 UV AD 0 7 U AD 0 7 V 2FH Y 2FH U 2FH 3503 CL 36532075_001 eps 201003 9A04 9A05 9A06 1 6 10 11 5 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 1 9 4 8 5 10 7 FEA SNDA SNCL 1 2 30 12 21 13 2x 89 12 21 2 3 1 4 5 VREF VA SWITCH_1FH SWITCH_2FH 2 6 H SYNC VGA V SYNC VGA SDA F3 SCL F3 FALCONI...

Page 70: ...2X 6X CINCH 1408 7323 HIP OTC FLASH BUFFER 7018 7019 7117 1I19 1108 AUDIO INPUT SWITCH COMPAIR CONNECTOR HEADPHONE 1T01 1Y88 1Y20 1 1 8 13 1 10 1Y01 TO PDP SIGNAL CONN 7711 PICNIC PROM 7A02 AUDIO DEM 7A00 7A03 TUNER T1 15P MIN D SHELL 1Y82 1 12 1Y81 1E04 3 x CINCH 2 4 3 1 I6 1V div DC 10us div PM3394B V1 1V div DC 10us div PM3394B V2 1V div DC 10us div PM3394B V5 1V div DC 10us div PM3394B V8 1V d...

Page 71: ...502 1 4 3 2530 3552 7565 2 IRF7343 7565 1 IRF7343 2565 2555 5565 D S G D S G F628 F630 F665 5335 3618 3628 3615 7630 7655 2 7 8 7615 LM311D A7 SUPPLY DC PROTECTION VCC 10 POS VCC 10 NEG 3655 3630 5660 3637 VSDN POS VSDN NEG 7602 1 4 3 2630 3662 7665 2 IRF7345 7665 1 IRF7345 2665 2655 5665 D S G D S G 0303 5 4 3 2 1 0388 L POS L NEG AUDIO ENABLE R POS L NEG 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1Y88 7 8 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 R HI...

Page 72: ...3 5728 2V5_E 2V5FCA 2V5FCD 5725 5722 11V_S 3V3_FBX 3V3_INT 3V3A 8V_AUD 5V_AUD STANDBY IO2 STANDBY IO2 5V 5VF 8V 8V_CON 5V2 RELAY IO2 5V2_CON 5V_CON 5V2_CON 8V_CON 8V_VDP 5V_VDP 8V_VDP 5V_VDP 5V2 9V 3V3 PROTECT 3V3_FBX 2V5B 3V3_INT 5V2 5V2 RELAY IO2 5V2 RELAY IO3 5716 5717 3V3_INT To 7717 To 7719 3V3_FBX 2V5B 5VA 5VA 8V_CON 8V_CON 3V3A 3V3A 3V3_SIM 3V3 DISP 5U05 5U07 5U08 3V3_DCDC FBX 5U06 5V 5V 8V...

Page 73: ...1 1 EP1C12Q24068 EPLD CONTROL 2 6 1E03 FLASH RAM PROGRAM CONNECTOR FOR FACTORY USE ONLY 7E02 EPCS1 FLASH RAM 227 226 7V01 3 EP1C12Q240C8 EPLD B19C 57 56 7L01 AD9883AKST A D CONVERTOR ERR 53 3L06 3L03 6 8 Vcc 5 7D59 M24C01 NVM 3D98 3D97 3729 3721 9S31 9S32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 6 10 11 12 9 5 15 3V3 I2C 3E69 3E70 B14E B20 7I10 PCA9515DP 3 2 6 7 5V 31B3 31B2 7I19 PCA9515DP 3 2 6 7 5V 31J7 31J8 SDA ...


Page 75: ...20 220R 2271 7225 B LM833DT 5 6 7 220R 3205 22n F235 F245 2K2 3241 GND_F 82p 2207 2220 4n7 1K2 3255 1R 3259 GND_F 2217 RES F258 VCC_10_POS 10u 2206 VCC_10_NEG 3234 560R 2201 4n7 10u 2216 2261 100n 2K2 3233 GND_F 4n7 2205 GND_F 3203 2K7 GND_F GND_F F207 2221 10u 2233 68n F201 4n7 2215 5 6 7 8 4 2244 100n GND_F 7238 B LM833DT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GND_F GND_F RES PH S 0388 LM833DT 3 2 1 8 4 GND_F 3258 324...

Page 76: ... GND_I GND_I 2315 1u GND_I 2359 100n 6328 BAS316 3362 10R GND_I 220n 2365 GND_O BC817 25 7330 100MHZ 5335 10R 3315 6359 BZX384 C4V7 3327 2K2 10R 3355 2K2 3325 GND_O 6 4 3 F362 3308 100K 7365 2 IRF7343 5 3330 10R 7315 LM311D 5 BAL 1 GND 2 3 7 6 STR BAL 8 V 4 V 2318 100n 2334 220u C302 100MHZ 5360 100n 2355 220u 2360 VCC_10_NEG GND_O 4M7 3361 GND_I VCC_10_POS IRF7343 7365 1 7 8 2 1 BZX384 C4V7 6360 ...

Page 77: ...4V7 180R 3409 7465 2 IRF7343 5 6 4 3402 4K7 3401 1K GND_I 100K 3407 220u 2460 GND_O 100n 2459 33u 5465 100n 2455 VSND_POS 1u 2419 7430 BC817 25 3418 10R 82p 2410 100MHZ 5435 1 GND 2 3 7 6 STR BAL 8 V 4 V BZX384 C4V7 6455 BZX384 C4V7 7415 LM311D 5 BAL BZX384 C4V7 6459 6460 GND_I GND_I 3430 GND_O 82K 3410 F401 10R F465 7440 BC847BW 3408 100K F437 F462 BZX384 C4V7 6435 3461 10R 3437 4M7 GND_O 8K2 340...

Page 78: ...16 6528 6534 BZX384 C4V7 2555 100n 3510 82K BC847BW 7540 7555 BC807 25 2516 100n 8K2 3555 10R 3506 5565 33u 100n 2530 3528 1K 3509 180R F501 GND_O 6 4 3 VCC_10_NEG GND_I IRF7343 7565 2 5 100MHZ 5560 GND_I VSND_POS BZX384 C4V7 6556 1K 3501 GND_O 2566 7530 BC817 25 2519 1u 220n 3511 6K8 100n 2559 220u 2534 F562 4K7 3502 220u 2560 F528 2518 100n GND_I 2540 10n 10R 3530 3537 10R BZX384 C4V7 6535 5 BAL...

Page 79: ...W 7602 GND_O 100MHZ 5635 GND_O 3630 10R BZX384 C4V7 6655 7615 LM311D 5 BAL 1 GND 2 3 7 6 STR BAL 8 V 4 V 2K2 3625 2618 100n 2630 100n F628 3607 100K VCC_10_NEG GND_O BC847BW 7640 2660 220u 3640 10K 6635 BZX384 C4V7 82K 3610 8K2 3606 6659 BZX384 C4V7 3618 10R VSND_POS GND_I 10R 3637 BZX384 C4V7 6660 3627 2K2 3661 4M7 2609 1n5 F662 F665 100n 2635 100n 2655 10R 3615 GND_I GND_O 6656 BZX384 C4V7 BZX38...

Page 80: ... LEFT HIGH AUDIO AMPLIFIER LEFT LOW F710 C2 7736 C4 7745 D5 7746 E4 0391 E3 1730 B3 22u 2760 T2 5AL 250V AUX SUPPLY 47K 3752 F776 F743 BZX384 C10 6742 F717 1n 2759 7755 BC847BW 220u 2730 BAV99W 1 3 2 BC847BW 7751 BC868 7745 6750 2753 10u 7736 BC847BW 7746 BC857BW F711 F786 1n 2770 F735 100MHZ 5753 VCC_10_POS 220u 2732 1K 3754 DC_PROT 10u 2752 5 C702 100MHZ 5714 PH S 0303 1 2 3 4 1740 47K 3751 F719...

Page 81: ... 3231 A2 3232 A2 3234 A2 3240 B1 3241 A2 3242 A2 3257 A1 3259 A1 3272 A1 3274 A1 3301 A1 3302 A1 3303 A1 3304 A1 3306 B1 3340 A2 3401 A1 3402 A1 3403 A1 3404 A1 3406 A1 3440 A2 3501 B1 3502 C1 3503 B1 3504 B1 3506 C1 3540 B2 3601 B1 3602 B1 3603 B1 3604 B1 3606 B1 3640 B2 3732 A1 3733 A1 3742 A1 3743 A1 3749 C2 3750 C1 3751 C1 3752 C1 3754 C1 3755 B1 3760 C1 3765 B1 3770 C1 3771 C1 3780 C2 3781 C2...

Page 82: ... 3270 A2 3271 A2 3273 A2 3307 B2 3308 B2 3309 B2 3310 B2 3311 B2 3315 A2 3318 B2 3325 A2 3327 A2 3328 B1 3330 B1 3336 A1 3337 A1 3355 A1 3361 A1 3362 A1 3407 A2 3408 A2 3409 A2 3410 A2 3411 A2 3415 A2 3418 A2 3425 A2 3427 A2 3428 A1 3430 A1 3436 A1 3437 A1 3455 A1 3461 A1 3462 A1 3507 C2 3508 C2 3509 C2 3510 C1 3511 C2 3515 B2 3518 C2 3525 B2 3527 B2 3528 C1 3530 C1 3536 C1 3537 C1 3555 B1 3561 C1...

Page 83: ...S16 100p 9S34 9S36 2S39 100p 2S13 100p 2S21 100p 2S03 100n 2S05 100n 5S03 30R 2S11 100p 2S17 100p 2S30 100p 3S04 3K3 5V 2S31 100p 9S17 9S27 9S05 9S35 9S67 100R 3S11 22K 3S03 3S02 22K 15K 3S10 9S37 9S30 2S32 100p 2S42 2S43 100p 100p 2S07 9V BC847BW 7S04 RES 9S41 10K 3S07 100p 2S06 0S01 MECHPART FS49 2S38 100p 100p 9S24 2S14 3S05 5K6 9S13 RES 9S43 9S20 RES 9S42 9S19 2S12 100p 2S28 100p 2S35 100p 2S0...

Page 84: ...2369 5404 6u8 2413 47u 9414 7320 BC847BW 2327 3419 82R 100n 2384 10p 150R 3452 7 8 1K 3450 5CCE 5408 1 2 3 4 5 6 9410 2 3 7 8 3378 15K 5VCOM OFWK9656L 1410 A 9416 BA792 6403 2385 100n 2420 150p 3393 100K 47p 2387 1K0 3392 9300 9415 I454 3437 1K 2419 0p47 2372 1u 3416 6R8 2 3 7 8 F403 1408 A OFWK3953L 2415 4K7 3463 8VP 100n 68p 2407 F440 8VP 8VP 10p 2423 1K 3405 F411 2353 100n 33u 5312 100K 3303 94...

Page 85: ... 5VA 22n 2740 100n FF14 30R 5713 2766 100n 2755 100n VSS4 17 VSS5 23 VSS6 33 VSS7 35 VSS8 39 VSS9 32 WE1 94 WE2 VCC8 62 VCC9 3 VSS1 48 VSS10 49 VSS11 54 VSS12 59 VSS13 67 VSS14 72 VSS15 VSS16 77 78 VSS17 87 VSS18 91 VSS19 9 VSS2 93 VSS20 10 VSS3 16 RSTW1 96 RSTW2 63 SRCK 13 SWCK 11 VCC1 64 VCC10 75 VCC11 83 VCC12 89 VCC13 92 VCC14 12 VCC2 14 VCC3 15 VCC4 34 VCC5 37 VCC6 43 VCC7 51 NC16 100 NC17 8 ...

Page 86: ...VSS F2 92 UVG7 91 VDD 1 18 VDD 2 22 VDD 3 56 VDD 4 57 VDD 5 101 VDD 6 103 VDD 7 138 VDD B 153 VDD D 113 VDD F 69 VDD G 90 VDD K 142 VSS 1 17 VSS 2 23 VSS 3 132 UVE3 133 UVF0 77 UVF1 76 UVF2 75 UVF3 74 UVF4 73 UVF5 72 UVF6 71 UVF7 70 UVG0 98 UVG1 97 UVG2 96 UVG3 95 UVG4 94 UVG5 93 UVG6 43 UVA7 44 UVB0 150 UVB1 149 UVB2 148 UVB3 147 UVC0 10 UVC1 11 UVC2 12 UVC3 13 UVD0 110 UVD1 109 UVD2 108 UVD3 107...

Page 87: ...12 96 VSS13 97 VSS14 106 VSS15 108 VSS16 118 VSS17 122 VSS18 134 VSS19 12 VSS2 136 VSS20 138 VSS21 142 VSS22 148 VSS23 164 VDDC17 180 VDDC18 197 VDDC19 13 VDDC2 23 VDDC3 36 VDDC4 37 VDDC5 82 VDDC6 83 VDDC7 89 VDDC8 90 VDDC9 150 VDDCA1 65 VREFU 75 VREFV 56 VREFY 67 VSADJU 121 VDDA6 135 VDDA7 141 VDDA8 159 VDDA9 60 VDDB1 59 VDDBA1 68 VDDBA2 78 VDDBA3 1 VDDC1 94 VDDC10 95 VDDC11 107 VDDC12 117 VDDC13...

Page 88: ...3_FBX 10R 3848 2844 100n 9707 3798 9743 3796 4K7 100R FF76 FF75 2862 100n 5715 10 19 20 2842 100n 9 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3V3_FBX 7745 74LVC245APW 2806 100n 100n 2724 6847 BAS316 BAS316 6845 3851 100R 3853 100R FF71 4K7 1 10 19 20 3V3_FBX 3700 7 8 9 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 74LVC245APW 7744 2 3 4 5 6 3846 4K7 3799 10R 9742 10R 3795 14 13 12 11 1 10 19 20 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 18 17 16 15 ...

Page 89: ...3342 BC857BW 7317 I310 7319 BC857BW 5313 5u6 8VS 100n 2331 2320 10p 2321 100n 8VS 5V_VDP 9305 PMBT2369 7313 6312 BAS316 7316 BC857BW 2337 6p8 820R 3337 1K8 3358 V22 I304 I302 47R 3340 I358 7310 A BC847BS 2 6 1 F329 2317 1u 680R 3389 3349 3313 100K 1n 2319 4K7 100n 2329 I330 2301 100n I306 I311 8VS I309 100MHZ 5303 5VS 820R 3384 I317 GND RGB CRT 3383 680R 2341 6p8 100n 2429 100MHZ 5307 I368 2336 2u...

Page 90: ...0 3 6 FC13 47p 2010 3V3_INTOTC 3057 C 10K 3018 7003 FC46 IC18 BC847BW 24K 3003 470R 3078 C FC05 FC19 3V3_INTOTC 2n2 2068 8 1 2067 100n 3048 A 100p 2059 470R 3076 D 3048 C 6 3 100n 2027 470R 3090 B FC23 7008 BC847BW 2058 100p 100R 3098 3008 2 220R 2 7 3052 B 7 2 100n 2040 6005 PLVA2650A 100n 2014 3034 B 100R 2 7 2074 6K8 3014 100n FC56 470R 3099 B FC66 FC17 3082 D 100R 3093 10K 470R 3091 220p 2020 ...

Page 91: ... 3C06 D C4 3C07 A C4 3C07 B C4 3C07 C C4 3C07 D D4 3C08 B2 7017 B2 E F 1402 C1 1404 B1 2C00 A2 2C01 B3 2C02 D3 B5a c OTC FLASH 3V3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 A B C D E F A B C D FC71 3V3_INTOTC 9C02 9C01 3C07 A 10R PDTC144ET 7017 100n 2C00 10R 3C01 10K 3C08 2K2 3C00 10K 3C04 470R 3C05 8 9 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 GND 19 1 20 VCC 1 20 VCC 74LVC245APW 7019 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 G...

Page 92: ... IA02 3A33 100R 5DA 5V_AUD IA16 100n 2A40 1u 2A04 IA13 5 6 7 8 4 100MHZ 5A10 IA19 MC33178D 7A07 B 1u 2A89 A IA32 IA18 1u 2A66 33p 2A36 IA25 2AB6 1n 1n 2A77 5DB 1u 2A08 FA14 100n 2A79 5A05 100MHZ 2A96 100p 2A42 10u 1u 2A02 1n 2AA8 2 1 8 4 5p6 2AB0 1n 7A07 A MC33178D 3 3A03 6R8 2A52 IA08 2A29 100p 2AA1 1u 2A72 100p 100R 3A50 2A00 11V_AUD 8VC 1n 3A00 22K 2A28 100p 2A71 1u 2AA0 100p 2A99 33p 2A83 3A15...

Page 93: ... 100R 3A81 100R 3A82 5M 100n 2AE6 A8 2AD6 1n 2AD3 1u 5V IA72 2AF3 100u 2AD5 68R 3A84 1n 10n 2AF0 IA75 100n 2AE4 30R 5A38 A2 5M 2AE8 100n 100R 3A83 3A78 100R 2AD4 1u 3A76 3K3 10n 100n 2AF4 2AE5 3A75 2K2 3A77 75R 36 _PCS 5 _POR 42 _RTR 41 _RTW A3 15 SOD2 16 SOD3 26 SOI 17 SPDIFOUT 38 SPDI_1 40 SPDI_2 39 SPREF 44 SYNC 6 TE 2 VDD 1 VSS 9 XTI 10 XTO 23 XVDD 22 XVSS _EOD 43 34 PI18 35 PI19 18 PI4 24 PI8...

Page 94: ...T 55 MONO_IN 47 NC1 58 NC2 59 NC3 64 NC4 13 NC5 22 NC6 24 RESETQ 16 SC1_IN_L 44 SC1_IN_R 45 SC1_OUT_L 29 SC1_OUT_R 28 SC2 OUT L 26 SC2 OUT R 25 SC2_IN_L 41 SC2_IN_R 42 DACA L 18 DACA R 17 DACM SUB 23 DACM_L 21 20 DACM_R DVSS 11 DVSUP 10 I2C_CL 1 I2C_DA 2 I2S CL 3 14 I2S CL3 6 I2S DA IN1 12 I2S DA IN2 3 5 I2S DA OUT1 I2S WS 4 15 I2S WS3 AGNDC 34 AHVSS 33 AHVSUP 31 ANA IN2 52 ANA_IN 51 ANA_IN1 50 AS...

Page 95: ... 9V 2U36 470n GND_SUPPLY 3U58 3K9 5V2 2K2 GND_SUPPLY GND_SUPPLY 3U57 GND_SUPPLY 7U14 BC847BW 10K 3U56 BC857BW 7U15 3U50 100K 470n 2U37 3U47 1K0 1K0 3U49 3U48 10K GND_SUPPLY 3V3 PROTECT 3U33 10K IU46 IU33 IU29 IU47 IU48 IU12 2U02 47u 120p 2U30 BAT54 COL 6U09 1K 3U02 GND_MAIN cU02 7U01 BC857B 6n8 2U27 IU32 GND_SUPPLY BAS316 6U03 1K 3U18 3U07 22R GND_SUPPLY IU21 IU20 IU01 IU36 3U23 3U35 10K IU02 GND_...

Page 96: ... C7 FT05 D9 5T03 C10 6T01 B2 6T02 B6 IT12 D6 IT13 D3 IT14 D3 IT15 D8 IT16 D8 B2 B15a RES RES 9T02 B7 9T03 D8 6T07 PDZ 33B PDZ 33B 6T08 1u 2T16 470u 2T05 22n 2T09 5T03 10u 2T03 470u 2T10 22n 13 14 15 16 17 NC 6 4 SCL 5 SDA 2 TU 7 VS 9 VST UV1318ST AI 3 1T01 8 ADC 1 AGC 3 AS 11 IF1 IF2 NC 10 12 IT08 FT02 FT03 3T04 9T07 9T05 9T02 2T12 100n 9T15 3 5 TY VCC 8 9T06 GND 4 RX 2 RY 6 SX 1 SY 7 TX 7T01 P82B...

Page 97: ...1 F4 10 BC847BW 7I35 3I27 1K II16 100n 2IJ3 8VA 100K 3I24 res 3I06 75R 100R 3I04 3I03 75R 2I08 2I55 10n 5I01 6u8 II00 75R 3IK1 res 1K 3I26 1I02 1 2 3 4 5 II02 75R 3IK0 PH 220n 3IP7 2K7 75R 3IK5 2IE0 II13 FI02 res 220R 3IP4 8V 3I01 100K 220n 220n 2I06 3I05 100R 2I05 3I19 560R 220n 2I04 470R 3I18 7I38 BC857BW II09 1K 3IP6 9I21 10n 2I56 2I09 100p II08 9I02 1K 3I08 3I10 1K 3I11 560R II04 1K2 3IP1 220R...

Page 98: ... 150R 3I89 BAS316 6IA8 1I27 1I47 9I12 100R 3ID3 2IC1 10u GND AUD 75R 3I78 PDZ 6 8B 6I21 PDZ 6 8B 6I78 3I85 9IS3 100R 9IS0 100R 3I56 330p 2I12 9V 150R 3I69 10u 2IC2 FI04 FI99 BC869 7I07 3IS0 68R 9I11 6I66 8K2 3IA5 FIC1 II49 1 4 100p 2I33 YKC21 8525 YELLOW 1I06 1 PDZ 6 8B 6I51 100R 3I80 PDZ 6 8B 6I45 330p 2I25 1I45 3IC0 150R 100R 3IB2 10K 3IT8 3IA9 8K2 9IB3 6I23 GND AUD 9IS2 1u 2I41 6I70 1I37 2I13 1...

Page 99: ... 2FH B14B res 9IA2 5VIO 10K 3IO6 330R 3IM2 10 9 res 9I84 12 1y0 13 1y1 14 2y0 2 1 2y1 15 5 3y0 3 3y1 4 6 G3 8 GND 16 VCC 7 VEE 11 8V 74HC4053 7I25 8VA 6I92 PDZ 6 8B 6I95 BAS316 FIB2 3IE9 22K 6I91 3IF7 100R res 9I80 1I67 8VA PDZ 6 8B 6I90 75R 3IN3 9I89 res 9IA4 FIB3 9IA5 3IM5 100K FIB7 FIB6 2IB2 1u 3IN4 3R9 FIB5 5V II57 2I57 100p YKC21 8525 7 10 5VIO IIB3 RED2 1I07 4 9IA6 100n 2IC4 2 5 1I69 1 4 YKC...

Page 100: ...2I75 8V 2I97 1u 1u 2I87 1u 2I83 2I74 2I85 1u 1u 3IH9 47K 1u 2IA0 10K 3IH7 100n 2IA3 3IJ4 22K 8V 22K 3II2 100R 7I22 B BC847BS 1u 2IA7 3II9 2I80 1u 9I39 1u 2IF1 II72 9I48 22K 3IH5 1u 2I73 1u 2I82 7I23 A 9I41 1u BC847BS 24 R3 23 R4 20 R5 19 R6 18 ROUT1 13 ROUT2 15 ROUT3 17 SCL 27 SDA 28 VS 3 2IA2 2 GND 1 L1 4 L2 5 L3 6 L4 9 L5 10 L6 11 LOUT1 12 LOUT2 14 LOUT3 16 7 8 21 22 R1 25 R2 7I18 TEA6422D ADDR ...

Page 101: ...E 3IF9 3K3 3ID6 1I97 2I40 RES 2K2 100p 3ID8 100R 5V2 DISP 100R 3ID7 100R 3IJ5 2IB4 220n 3K3 3IH2 2I00 100n 8V DISP 5I06 100p 7I13 BC817 25 2I98 100p 2IJ7 8V 6I04 BAV99 9I06 100R 3ID1 100MHZ 5I07 9IB5 9I22 5I10 1m0 5I09 5V2 II84 100R 3IE5 3IH4 2K2 5V2 2IJ6 100p 10K 3IB8 II83 II76 II63 II75 II74 II62 II61 1n0 2IF3 33V DISP 1n0 2I53 II77 5I02 100MHZ 2I59 100n 100MHZ 5I21 100p 2I64 7I12 PDTC144ET 220p...

Page 102: ... IP02 33u 5P11 9 10131415 11 12 16 17 OFWK1967L 1P05 B 1 18 4 5 6 G 2 I 1 O 3 VALUE 1P10 SFSH FP42 4p7 2P49 9P29 FP12 7P08 BC847BW BC847B 7P00 22n 2P22 3P24 15K IP43 FP08 IP38 9P22 9P20 2 3 7 8 9P18 OFWK9656L 1P04 A SFSH 1P11 VALUE 2 G 1 I 3 O 560R 3P92 cP01 4K7 3P39 2K2 3P03 IP34 FP40 8V BFS20 7P10 5K6 3P20 IP17 2p7 2P08 4K7 3P04 560R 3P91 560R 3P90 9P26 5K6 3P14 3P47 100K 2P32 100n 3P29 100K 3P4...

Page 103: ...C_ 7 FP53 2P59 47p 7P50 M24C32 E0 1 30R 5P51 V36 V37 V38 V39 8VPIP 3P66 100R IP54 2P62 47p 100R 3P59 2u2 2P72 RES C1 9 C2 10 CSTAB 12 GND 13 16 1 2 3 IN2 15 NC1 4 S1 5 S2 6 VAF1 8 VAF2 7 VCOREF 11 14 VP 7P55 TDA9820T V1 RES 3P61 27K 9P59 5VD 47p 2P68 220R 3P56 3P76 220R 9P65 2P50 100n 6K8 3P80 FP55 100u 2P90 1K 3P55 RES 5VD 4K7 3P85 8VPIP 680R 3P57 FP57 3P69 4K7 FP59 FP56 BC847BW 7P53 10K 3P52 5V ...

Page 104: ...DA 11 Vref_T_MA 99 Vref_T_SA 82 100R 3PC8 40 VSSD_RM 41 VSSD_RP 61 VSSD_SA 85 VSSD_T1 18 VSSD_T2 19 30 VSSD_T3 VSSD_T4 48 VSSD_T5 49 VSSD_T6 50 VSSD_T7 51 VSSD_T8 62 VSSD_T9 63 Vbias_DA 9 Vbias_MA 97 Vbias_SA 84 Vref_B_DA 17 VDDD_P2 64 VDDD_RL 39 VDDD_RM 42 VDDD_RP 20 VDDD_SA 86 VSSA_DA 7 VSSA_DP 91 VSSA_MA 4 VSSA_SA 77 VSSA_SP 90 VSSD_D 66 VSSD_DA 15 VSSD_MA 96 VSSD_P1 16 65 VSSD_P2 VSSD_RL 38 TC...

Page 105: ...0 REF3 FD64 PLVA2656A 6D57 100n 2D70 3D41 10K 3D88 1K2 BZX384 C3V9 6D62 5V DISP 5V 100n 2D71 5D59 5V DISP 5V EPLD 2D17 100n 5D58 8V DISP 8V EPLD 100n 2D16 5D57 5 6 7 8 4 13 E1 2 E2 3 SCL 6 SDA 5 VCC 8 VSS 4 WC_ 7 TSH95 7D57 B 1D06 7D59 M24C01 E0 1 2D54 2D53 4u7 4u7 3D71 1K0 1K0 3D65 3D53 1K0 4u7 2D64 2D63 4u7 4u7 2D61 7D54 BF570 7D53 BF570 7D52 BF570 2D57 100n 3D56 5K1 100n 2D52 FD66 3D72 22K 1D04...

Page 106: ...3 I2C 3L07 10K 75R 3L20 FL05 IL09 FL19 3V3 I2C 5L11 2L20 100n FL03 FL04 3L06 100R 100n 2L15 FL01 D14 D13 IL01 3L29 4 3L29 3 3L29 2 47p 3L29 1 FL15 2L49 AL06 100n 2L13 VDD 2L12 100n 3L14 75R 2L29 22p FL26 FL25 IL03 2L10 100n IL02 FL09 FL10 FL12 FL11 FL43 PVD 1 PVD 1 9L05 1n0 2L41 5L07 5L12 2L42 1n0 2L39 100n 2L38 1n0 2L16 100n D12 2L06 100n 3L27 4 3L27 3 3L27 2 3L27 1 3L26 4 2L56 1n0 100n 2L11 470R...

Page 107: ...D08 100n 2D09 2D10 100n 2D03 1n0 2E54 100n LF15AB 2 GND IN 1 OUT 3 2E64 100n 7E05 100n 3V3 I2C 2E80 100n 2D07 2D06 100n 2D85 100n 6E54 BAS316 3V3 IO FE60 2D26 100n 100n 2D25 2D24 100n 100n 2D23 100n 2D27 FE53 2E89 100p FE52 2E58 100n 2E88 100p 100n 3E77 47R 2E78 100n 2E79 2E66 100n 3E80 2E91 47R 100p 100n 2E86 9E58 3E70 4K7 9 IE50 147279 1E02 1 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3E60 10K 9E54 7E12 2 BC847BS 2E71 10...

Page 108: ... FE02 3E44 3 470R 3 6 7E08 BC857BW BC847BW 7E14 VB 330R 3E39 7E19 BC847BW 3E35 330R 3E06 1 470R 1 8 330R 3E34 VB 7E21 BC847BW IE02 IE03 VB 100n 2E20 3E26 100R 2E38 100n 7E23 BC857BW 3E27 100K 1K0 3E21 1 8 100n 2E23 470R 3E43 1 100n 2E19 6 3V 22u 2E02 100n 2E25 IE05 3E32 100R 5E06 5VA OSD 2E33 100n 3E14 100R 470R 3E42 3 3 6 VT VT 5E00 2E18 4u7 IE01 BC857BW 7E13 3E05 2 470R 2 7 IE04 2 7 3E44 2 470R ...

Page 109: ...TXIN7 6 TXIN8 7 TXIN9 47 TXOUT0 22 TXIN20 23 TXIN21 24 TXIN22 25 TXIN23 27 TXIN24 28 TXIN25 30 TXIN26 50 TXIN27 12 TXIN13 14 TXIN14 15 TXIN15 16 TXIN16 18 TXIN17 19 TXIN18 20 TXIN19 54 TXIN2 31 TXCLKIN 39 TXCLKOUT 40 TXCLKOUT 51 TXIN0 52 TXIN1 8 TXIN10 10 TXIN11 11 TXIN12 36 43 49 44 LVDSVCC 35 33 34 PLLVCC 32 PWRDWN_ 17 R FB 5 13 21 29 53 7V02 DS90C385MTD 5V06 175 176 177 178 179 180 163 164 165 ...

Page 110: ...Y33 5V DISP FY04 DLW21S 5Y03 1 2 4 3 FY35 1Y03 FY34 FY21 FY15 FY24 1Y00 100p 2Y00 100R 3Y02 FY10 5V2 DISP EMC HOLE 1Y30 1Y04 FY03 FY06 8 9 21 22 FY28 17 18 19 2 20 3 4 5 6 7 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1Y01 DF19G 20P 1H 59 5Y02 1 2 4 3 DLW21S 1Y18 EMC HOLE 9V STBY FY18 FY17 3Y00 22K RES 9Y00 7 8 9 3V3 DISP 1 440054 0 1Y20 1 10 2 3 4 5 6 FY39 FY37 FY38 2Y11 2Y10 10p 10p 1Y15 10p 2Y05 1Y07 10p 2Y04 10p 2...

Page 111: ...t Diagrams and PWB Layouts Layout Small Signal Panel Top Side Overview CL 36532075_044 eps 061103 3104 303 3879 2 Part 3 CL 36532075_44c eps Part 4 CL 36532075_44d eps Part 1 CL 36532075_44a eps Part 2 CL 36532075_44b eps ...

Page 112: ...E5 3A06 E5 3A08 D5 3A09 D5 3A11 D4 3A12 D4 3A13 D4 3A14 D4 3A15 D4 3A16 D4 3A18 D4 3A20 D4 3A21 E4 3A22 D4 3A23 D4 3A25 D4 3A26 D4 3A27 D4 3A28 E4 3A29 D4 3A31 E5 3A32 D4 3A33 D4 3A34 E4 3A36 E4 3A37 E4 3A39 E4 3A3A E4 3A3B E4 3A3C D4 3A3D D4 3A3E D4 3A3F D4 3A40 D4 3A41 D4 3A42 D4 3A43 E5 3A44 E5 3A50 D4 3A54 D4 3A66 D4 3A70 E5 3A71 E5 3A74 E3 3A81 E3 3A82 E3 3A83 E3 3AA0 E4 3AA1 E4 3AA4 E4 3AA5 ...

Page 113: ...74 FTP1 1E 7 Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Layout Small Signal Panel Top Side Part 1 CL 36532075_44a eps 061103 Part 1 ...

Page 114: ...Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts 75 FTP1 1E 7 Layout Small Signal Panel Top Side Part 2 CL 36532075_44b eps 061103 Part 2 ...

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Page 116: ...Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts 77 FTP1 1E 7 Layout Small Signal Panel Top Side Part 4 CL 36532075_44d eps 061103 Part 4 ...

Page 117: ...Diagrams and PWB Layouts Layout Small Signal Panel Bottom Side Overview 3104 303 3879 2 CL 36532075_045 eps 061103 Part 3 CL 36532075_45c eps Part 4 CL 36532075_45d eps Part 1 CL 36532075_45a eps Part 2 CL 36532075_45b eps ...

Page 118: ... 3A75 E7 3A76 E7 3A77 D7 3A78 E7 3A84 E7 3AA2 E6 3C00 B5 3C04 B5 3C05 B5 3C10 B5 3C11 C5 3D41 A1 3D42 A1 3D43 A1 3D44 A1 3D45 A1 3D46 A1 3D47 A1 3D48 A1 3D49 A1 3D50 A1 3D51 A1 3D52 A1 3D55 A1 3D56 A1 3D57 A1 3D58 A1 3D59 A1 3D60 A1 3D61 A1 3D62 A1 3D63 A1 3D64 A1 3D67 A1 3D68 A1 3D69 A1 3D70 A1 3D73 A1 3D79 A1 3D83 A1 3D87 A1 3D88 A1 3D89 A1 3D90 A1 3D91 A1 3D92 A1 3D93 A1 3D94 A1 3D95 A2 3D96 A1...

Page 119: ...80 FTP1 1E 7 Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Layout Small Signal Panel Bottom Side Part 1 CL 36532075_45a eps 061103 Part 1 ...

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Page 123: ...ED_LED RC_IN 8V6 GND_SCAVIO 5V_STBY_SW 9V_STBY_SW GREEN_LED 3122 123 6018 3 CL 36532075_042 eps 291003 RES EMC EMC FILTER PANEL I311 B4 I312 C1 I313 B2 I314 C4 I315 C1 I316 C2 I317 C4 I318 C1 I321 C1 I322 C3 I323 C4 I324 C1 I325 C3 I326 C4 I327 C1 I328 C3 I329 C4 I330 C1 I331 C3 I332 C4 I333 D4 I334 D4 5311 A4 5312 A2 5313 A3 9300 D4 9301 D4 I300 A1 I301 A1 I302 A2 I303 A3 I304 A4 I305 A4 I306 B1 ...

Page 124: ...1 D3 2107 C7 2120 E5 2126 F6 3100 C2 3101 C4 3102 B4 3103 C5 3104 B6 3105 C5 3106 D6 3127 470K F106 6105 BZX384 C3V9 F107 3122 1K I120 I123 3101 150R F110 F112 8 4 F120 7120 A LM358D 3 2 1 F115 I127 5V_STBY_SW F116 I103 F119 I102 2120 10u 100K 3102 2126 220n I111 I106 100R 3109 1K 3124 3106 150R BC857BW 8V6 BC857BW 7105 7120 B LM358D 5 6 7 8 4 7103 TSOP2236 7107 GND 3 1 OUT 2 VS 2 5 1 4 3 6 4101 1...

Page 125: ...103 C3 6127 C2 7107 C3 3122 123 6006 3 Layout LED Switch Panel Bottom Side 0317 A4 1101 B3 2126 C3 3101 B2 3102 C2 3103 C2 3104 C2 3105 C2 3106 B2 3107 B3 3108 C1 3109 C1 3120 B3 3121 C3 3122 C3 3123 B3 3124 B3 3125 C3 3126 C3 3127 C3 4101 B3 4107 A4 5100 B2 6101 C2 6105 C2 7103 C2 7105 C2 7107 C1 7120 C3 CL 16532099_024 eps 040703 3122 123 6006 3 ...

Page 126: ... E3 9003 D3 9004 E3 9005 C3 9006 C3 F701 D4 F702 D4 I701 C3 I702 D3 I703 D3 I704 D2 I705 E3 I706 E3 I707 E2 I708 E1 I709 E1 I710 A3 1K5 3004 FOR SAA56XX GND_KEYBOARD 1702 200R 3003 F702 VOLUME 1K 3999 F701 I709 I710 I707 I708 I706 I704 I705 I703 I701 I702 VOLUME 1705 MENU 390R 3001 1701 0345 1 2 3 3K3 3002 3013 560R 9006 3012 390R 9005 9003 560R 3010 270R 3008 9001 9004 620R 3011 9002 1K1 3009 300...

Page 127: ...el Top Side Layout Top Control Panel Bottom Side CL 36532053_036 eps 180703 3104 303 3851 3 0345 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 CL 36532053_037 eps 180703 3104 303 3851 3 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3999 6005 9001 9002 9003 9004 9005 9006 ...
