Configuring the Wireless ADSL Modem Routerr
The passphrase can consist of up to 32 alphanumeric characters.
To manually configure the encryption key, enter five hexadecimal pairs
of digits for each 64-bit key, or enter 13 pairs for the single 128-bit key.
(A hexadecimal digit is a number or letter in the range 0-9 or A-F).
Note that WEP protects data transmitted between wireless nodes, but
does not protect any transmissions over your wired network or over
the Internet.
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) combines temporal key integrity
protocol (TKIP) and 802.1x mechanisms. It provides dynamic key
encryption and 802.1x authentication service.
If 802.1x is used in your network, then you should enable this function
for the ADSL Wireless Base Station. These parameters are used for the
ADSL Wireless Base Station to connect to the authentication server.
Home Network Settings webpages
4.5.1 Status
The Status page displays WAN/LAN connection status, firmware, and
hardware version numbers, illegal attempts to access your network, as
well as information on DHCP clients connected to your network. The
security log may be saved to a file by clicking "Save" and choosing a
4.5.2 Network settings
Use the Home Networking menu to configure the LAN IP address and
to enable the DHCP server for dynamic client address allocation.
4.5.3 Wireless
The ADSL Wireless Base Station also operates as a wireless access
point, allowing wireless computers to communicate with each other. To
configure this function, you need to enable the wireless function, define
the radio channel, the domain identifier, and the security options.
Check Enable and click "SAVE SETTINGS".
Channel and SSID
You must specify a common radio channel and SSID (Service Set ID) to
be used by the ADSL Wireless Base Station and all of its wireless clients.
Make sure you configure all of its clients to the same values.