Some commands always can send, no mater the device is
supported or not.
5. Control Panel:
Setting the arguments of the command, and send it out.
5.1. How to Send Command
First select the device that you want to send the command to it.
Note: The NID: 255 is for broadcast.
Select the command that you want to send.
Select the command
Before you send out the command, you must make sure the Z-Wave
device is in sleep mode or not. If the device is sleeping, it won’t
receive any command. Usually you can press some button to wake up
the device.
At the top of control panel, there are two options. First one is “Send
Instantly”, if the device is awake, you can check this option, after you
click the send button, the command will send to the device instantly,
otherwise, please don't check it. And after you click the send button,
the application will put the command into the queue, wait the device
to wake up, or got the node information from that device. When it
happen, the application will send out the command, those in the
Another option is “Enable Route”, if this option be checked, the
command will be sending by the route table path. That means the
command maybe send to other node first, and pass to more than one
node, at the end to the destination node. Otherwise, the command will
send directly to the destination node.
Select the device
Figure 11 Function page