4. Report Form
The “Report Form” will show up, when the dongle receive the report
from the other devices. For instance, you send a “Basic Get” command
to the device, if the device response the “Basic Report” to the dongle,
that report will be show up in the “Report Form”.
There are 4
parts in the
1. History Report:
It is a drop down list box, It will display a list to record the report
commands, those were received by the dongle. And you can click
the old report in the list; it will show the content of that report.
2. Report Name and Time:
This part will display the report is belong to which Z-Wave
command class. And the time of receive the report. You can see
there are two time in this part, the second time it the time of now,
the last number is the discrepancy seconds of these two times.
3. Content:
The content of the report.
4. Operation Buttons:
You can save, reload or clear the history report. And also can
close the “Report Form”.
Note: When you load the report from the saved file, that history report
will display in a new “Report Form” window.
5. Z-Wave Command Function
You can send out the Z-Wave command by this function.
There are
parts in
1. Device List:
Display the node of the controller.
2. Basic Control:
Quick to send out the basic set command, On or Off.
3. Support Commands:
List the supported commands of the device that you selected in
the device list.
4. Special Commands:
Figure 10 Report Form