PAN08 can accept Basic Set Command which value is either (0x00) Bottom or
Top (0x63/0xFF) or (0x01-0x62) the position between TOP and Bottom. Other
value (0x64-0xFE) is not acceptable.
[Command Class Basic, Basic Set, Value = 0x63 or 0xFF] control the shut-
ter to the top (0xFF)
[Command Class Basic, Basic Set, Value = 0x00(0)] control the shutter to
the bottom(0x00)
[Command Class Basic, Basic Set, Value = 0x01-0x62] control the shutter
to the position between bottom and top
Binary Switch Command Class
When PAN08 receive Binary Switch Get Command, it will send Binary Switch Report
Command to report the position of the shutter. When the report value is 0x00, that
mean the Shutter is bottom down, if the report value is 0xFF that mean the Shutter is
at the top. But if report value is 0xFE means the position is unknown.
Binary Switch Get Command
[Command Class Binary Switch, Binary Switch Get]
Binary Switch Report Command
[Command Class Binary Switch, Binary Switch Report, Value = 0x00 (BOT-
[Command Class Binary Switch, Binary Switch Report, Value = 0xFE (UN-
[Command Class Binary Switch, Binary Switch Report, Value = 0xFF(TOP)]
PAN08 can only accept Binary Switch Set Command which value is either (0x00)
Bottom or Top (0xFF), other value is not acceptable.
[Command Class Binary Switch, Binary Switch Set, Value = 0xFF(255)]
control the shutter to the top (0xFF). But if the shutter is on the way down, this
command will stop the shutter.
[Command Class Binary Switch, Binary Switch Set, Value = 0x00(0)]
control the shutter to the bottom(0x00). But if the shutter is on the way up, this
command will stop the shutter.
3. Multilevel Switch Command Class (Version 3)
PAN08 can accept Multilevel Switch Set Command which value is either (0x00) Bot-
tom or Top (0x63 or 0xFF) or (0x01-0x62) the position between TOP and Bottom.
Other value (0x64-0xFE) is not acceptable