• Plug the mains plug into a suitable mains supply. Allow the unit to warm up for around 4 minutes.
• You can programme the 8 remote control buttons to produce the colours you require. This can be done in
the menu on the back of the smoke machine. (see SET UP MENU section above)
First Time Operation With DMX:
• Before you start using this unit, please check there is no transportation damage, should there be any, please
do not use the device and contact your dealer immediately.
• The PFX1600V is designed to be used with water based smoke, fog or vapour liquid.
Put the smoke machine on a flat stable surface or truss mount following the instructions in this manual
carefully. Make sure no one can put any body part close to the heater output.
• Unscrew the Lid on the fluid bottle, fill up with a suitable fog liquid, do not to overfill. Screw the plastic cap
back on and ensure the tank never runs dry during operation.
• Connect a DMX controller to the DMX input socket. Terminate the output socket or connect to other DMX
• Plug the mains plug into a suitable mains supply. Allow the unit to warm up for around 4 minutes
This unit uses 6 or 9 DMX channels. Set a suitable DMX address via the digital display. (see SET UP MENU
section above) There is some useful DMX info at the end of this manual.
DMX Channel Layout: