5. What To Do In The Case Of Breakdowns ?
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Pump does not attain final pressure
Condensate in the pump
Run pump for a longer period under
atmospheric pressure
Valves/diaphragms defective/dirty
Clean or replace valves and diaphragms,
see section 6.
Leak in system
Repair leak
Unusual operating noises
Valves/diaphragms defective
See maintenance in section 6.
Dirt in the working chamber
Clean working chamber.
Silencer loose or missing
Check silencer; clean or replace.
Valves defective
Change valves.
Motor fan defective
Change motor fan.
Con-rod or motor bearing defective Inform Pfeiffer-Service.
Pump does not start
No mains voltage
Check power supply.
Phase failure
Check fuse.
Motor overheating
Allow the motor to cool down and
depress mains switch off/on.
Ambient temperature < 12 °C
Warm pump.
Dirty valves/diaphragms
See maintenance in section 6.
Over-pressure in the exhaust line
Open exhaust line (open exhaust valve).
Pump switches off
Sticking diaphragms
Clean pump (see section 6.)
Wrong mains voltage
Correct as per rating plate