M34_SL Am’D SCREW-LOCK M345001G (250712)
Only the techniques shown in the diagrams that are not crossed out
and/or do not display a skull and crossbones symbol are authorized.
Check our Web site www.petzl.com regularly to find the latest
versions of these documents.
Contact PETZL if you have any doubt or difficulty understanding
these documents.
Manual locking carabiner
- Connector EN 362: 2004 classe B
- Locking carabiner EN 12275: 1998 Type B (basic).
Field of application
This personal protective equipment (PPE) is used for connecting
pieces of equipment together.
It can be used with personal fall protection systems such as fall
arrest systems, work positioning systems, restraint systems and
rescue systems. It is designed for use in mountaineering, climbing
and vertical activities using similar techniques.
This product must not be loaded beyond its strength rating, nor be
used for any purpose other than that for which it is designed.
Activities involving the use of this equipment are inherently
You are responsible for your own actions and decisions.
Before using this equipment, you must:
- Read and understand all instructions for use.
- Get specific training in its proper use.
- Become acquainted with its capabilities and limitations.
- Understand and accept the risks involved.
Failure to heed any of these warnings may result in severe
injury or death.
WARNING, specific training in the activities defined in the field of
application is essential before use.
This product must only be used by competent and responsible
persons, or those placed under the direct and visual control of a
competent and responsible person.
Gaining an adequate apprenticeship in appropriate techniques and
methods of protection is your own responsibility.
You personally assume all risks and responsibilities for all damage,
injury or death which may occur during or following incorrect use of
our products in any manner whatsoever. If you are not able, or not
in a position to assume this responsibility or to take this risk, do not
use this equipment.
Nomenclature of parts
(1) Frame, (2) Gate, (3) Hinge, (4) Locking sleeve, (5) Keylock,
(6) Keylock slot, (7) Red alert.
Principal materials: aluminum alloy.
Inspection, points to verify
Before each use
Verify that the frame, gate and locking sleeve are free of any cracks,
deformation, corrosion, etc.
Open the gate and verify that it closes itself automatically when
released. The Keylock slot must not be blocked by any foreign matter
(dirt, pebble, etc.).
During each use
It is important to regularly inspect the condition of the product.
Check its connections with the other equipment in the system and
make sure that the various pieces of equipment in the system are
correctly positioned with respect to each other.
Consult the details of the inspection procedure to be carried out for
each item of PPE on the Web at www.petzl.com/ppe or on the PETZL
Contact PETZL if there is any doubt about the condition of this
For all of your applications, verify the compatibility of this product
with the other elements of your system (compatibility = good
functional interaction).
A connector must be compatible with the equipment to which it is
attached (shape, size, etc.).
An incompatible connection can affect the safety function of the
system (for example, disconnection, breakage, etc.).
WARNING if the connector is attached to an element of the system
that is too large (e.g. wide webbing, large bars, etc.) the connector’s
strength can be reduced.
Contact a Petzl distributor if you are uncertain about the
compatibility of your equipment.
Working principle
Diagram 1. Manipulation
Diagram 2. Installation
This connector must always be used with the gate closed and locked.
When the locking sleeve is open, the red warning indicator is visible.
To lock the connector, screw the locking sleeve until it stops and
blocks the gate from opening.
WARNING, vibrations and/or rubbing can loosen the locking sleeve
and unlock the connector. Check the connector regularly to verify
that it is securely locked.
The strength of the connector is greatly reduced if the gate is open.
The carabiner is strongest when closed and loaded on its major axis.
Any other position reduces its strength.
Nothing must obstruct the connector. Any constraint or external
pressure is dangerous.
Diagram 3. Warning danger of death
Any external pressure on the gate (with a descender, for example) is
dangerous. When a sudden tension comes onto the rope, the locking
sleeve can break and the gate can open itself. The device or rope
may detach itself from the connector.
Remember: For your safety, get into the habit of always doubling-up
your systems, especially carabiners.
Work at height
The anchor point of the system should preferably be located above
the user’s position and must conform to the requirements of the
EN 795 standard, in particular the minimum strength of the anchor
must be 10 kN.
If your application requires frequent opening and closing of this
manual locking carabiner (multiple times in the course of a day’s
work), you should use the autolocking TRIACT -LOCK version
Respect the rules of the activity. Consult the instructions for use for
the anchors you are using.
Supplementary information regarding
standards (EN 365)
Rescue plan
You must have a rescue plan and the means to rapidly implement it
in case of difficulties encountered while using this equipment. This
implies an adequate training in the necessary rescue techniques.
Clearance: amount of free space below the user
The clearance under the user must be sufficient to prevent him from
striking an obstacle in case of a fall (the length of the connector can
influence the height of a fall).
- Take care to minimize the potential for falls and the height of any
potential fall.
- WARNING, take care that your products do not rub against abrasive
or sharp surfaces.
- Users must be medically fit for activities at height. WARNING, inert
suspension in a harness can result in serious injury or death.
- You must verify the suitability of this equipment for use in your
application with regard to applicable governmental regulations and
other standards on occupational safety.
- The instructions for use for each item of equipment used in
conjunction with this product must be respected.
- The instructions for use must be provided to users of this
equipment. If the equipment is re-sold outside the original country
of destination the reseller shall provide these instructions in the
language of the country in which the product is to be used.
Petzl general information
WARNING, in extreme cases, the lifetime of the product can be
reduced to one single use through exposure to for example any of
the following: chemicals, extreme temperatures, sharp edges, major
fall or load, etc.
lifetime of Petzl products is as follows: up to 10 years
from the date of manufacture for plastic and textile products. It is
indefinite for metallic products.
lifetime of a product ends when it meets one of
the retirement criteria listed below (see “When to retire your
equipment”), or when in its system use it is judged obsolete.
The actual lifetime is influenced by a variety of factors such as: the
intensity, frequency, and environment of use, the competence of the
user, how well the product is stored and maintained, etc.
Inspect equipment periodically for damage and/or
In addition to the inspection before and during use, a periodic
in-depth inspection must be carried out by a competent inspector.
This inspection must be performed at least once every 12 months.
The frequency of the in-depth inspection must be governed by the
type and the intensity of use. To keep better track of your equipment,
it is preferable to assign each piece of equipment to a unique user
so that he will know its history. The results of inspections should
be documented in an “inspection record”. This document must
allow recording of the following details: type of equipment, model,
name and contact information of the manufacturer or distributor,
means of identification (serial or individual number), year of
manufacture, date of purchase, date of first use, name of user, all
other pertinent information for example maintenance and frequency
of use, the history of periodic inspections (date / comments and
noted problems / name and signature of the competent person who
performed the inspection / anticipated date of next inspection). See
example of detailed inspection record and other informational tools
available at www.petzl.com/ppe
When to retire your equipment
Immediately retire any equipment if:
- it fails to pass inspection (inspection before and during use and the
periodic in-depth inspection),
- it has been subjected to a major fall or load,
- you do not know its full usage history,
- it is at least 10 years old and made of plastics or textiles,
- you have any doubt as to its integrity.
Destroy retired equipment to prevent further use.
Product obsolescence
There are many reasons why a product may be judged obsolete
and thus retired before the end of its actual lifetime. Examples
include: changes in applicable standards, regulations, or legislation;
development of new techniques, incompatibility with other
equipment, etc.
Modifications and repairs
Do not modify your product in any way unless the modification is
specifically authorized by Petzl. An unauthorized modification can
reduce the product’s effectiveness.
Repairs made outside of Petzl facilities are prohibited. Contact Petzl
if your product needs repair.
Traceability and markings
Do not remove any markings or labels. You must check to ensure
that the product markings remain legible during the entire lifetime
of the product.
This product is guaranteed for 3 years against any faults in materials
or manufacture. Exclusions from the guarantee: normal wear and
tear, oxidation, modifications or alterations, incorrect storage, poor
maintenance, damage due to accidents, to negligence, and to uses
for which this product was not designed.
PETZL is not responsible for the consequences, direct, indirect or
accidental, or any other type of damage befalling or resulting from
the use of its products.