page 4.8
P/N 81905903730
Section 4
Jaguar Audio
4.8 Optional 128X64 Analog Audio Output Comb. Card
The electronic circuits on the Analog Audio Output Combiner Card are re-
sponsible for combining two outputs from the 64X32 Analog Audio Matrix
Cards to form one output from the Jaguar Audio Frame. The circuits on
the Analog Audio Output Combiner Card consist of eight 2X1 summing
combiner circuits, control circuits, and a power regulation circuit. Option-
ally, a monitor circuit may also be included on the Analog Audio Output
Combiner Card.
Each 2X1 output combiner circuit is comprised of a dual DG405 switch
which functions as 2X1 crosspoint. The 2X1 crosspoints are controlled by
U25 which functions as a serial port decoder. On power-up U25 loads its
program from U6. U25 obtains data, clock, and clear information from all
four audio matrix cards. All four matrix cards send control information is
sequence (slot 1 thru slot 4) using TDM. The serial data stream is then de-
coded into parallel control lines that are made available to the 2X1 cross-
points. The audio output signal selected by the 2X1 crosspoint is coupled
to a dual operational amplifier which functions as an audio output line
The power regulator circuit on the Analog Audio Output Combiner Card
consist of power regulator U1 and its associated components. U1 is re-
sponsible for providing a reg5V to the Analog Audio Output Com-
biner Card's electronic circuits. +20V, -20V, +V, and -V are also distributed
to the Analog Audio Combiner Card's electronic circuits.
Optionally, the Analog Audio Output Combiner Card can be equipped with
an output monitor circuit consisting of additional 2X1 crosspoints and their
associated components. The monitor circuits and audio monitor signal se-
lection are controlled by the optional Output Monitor Control Card. U12, a
dual operational amplifier, and its associated components functions as the
line driver for the monitor outputs.
4.9 Optional Output Monitor Control Card
The Output Monitor Control Card contains the circuits that control the se-
lection of the audio monitor output signals. The control circuits on the Out-
put Monitor Control Card consists of a microprocessor and its associated
components as described in the following paragraphs.