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User manual
dvanced R-net
Document Number: 205311-UK-0, Edition 2. 2009-10
2.10 Programming
The control system can be programmed to meet your needs. Programming can be
performed using the R-net programmer software and dongle/programming key.
If you re-program your control system, make sure that you observe any restrictions given
in your wheelchair user manual. Note any changes you make for future reference.
Programming should only be conducted by healthcare professionals with in-
depth knowledge of PGDT electronic control systems and the CJA R-net. Incorrect
programming could result in an unsafe set-up of a wheelchair for a user. Permobil Europe
BV accepts no liability for losses of any kind if the programming of the control system is
altered from factory pre-set values. Refer to programming manual 205314-UK-0 for
more details.
2.11 Servicing
All repairs and servicing must be carried out by authorized service personnel. Opening or
making any unauthorized adjustments or modifications to the control system or its
components will invalidate any warranty and may result in hazards to yourself or other
people, and is strictly forbidden.
Permobil Europe BV accepts no liability for losses of any kind arising from unauthorized
opening, adjustment or modifications to the R-net control system.
If the control system is damaged in any way, or if internal damage may have occurred
through impact or dropping, have the product checked by qualified personnel before
operating. Permobil Europe BV accepts no liability for losses of any kind arising from
failure to comply with this condition.
2.12 Warranty
The CJA R-net is covered by a warranty period defined by the service agent. For details
of the warranty period, please contact your service agent.
The warranty will be void if the CJA R-net has:
- Not been used in accordance with the CJA R-net user manual – this manual – of
Permobil Europe BV .
- Not been used in accordance with the R-net control system Technical Manual, SK77981,
of PGDT.
- Been subject to misuse or abuse.
- Been modified or repaired by non-authorized persons.