DK58113 Developer Kit User Manual
Click the Trajectory button in the Axis Control window.
The Trajectory dialog box appears.
In the Profile mode list, select Trapezoidal.
Enter motion profiles for deceleration, acceleration, velocity, and destination position (Position 1) that are
safe for your system and will demonstrate proper motion.
Click Go and confirm that the motion occurred in a stable and controlled fashion.
Congratulations! First time system verification is now complete.
1.12.4 Restarting Pro-Motion
After first time verification is complete you may continue, in the same Pro-Motion session, to exercise your motion
system or optimize control parameters as desired. Alternatively, whether immediately after additional interactions with
Pro-Motion, you may wish to exit Pro-Motion for restart at a later time.
If you have changed additional control parameters and would like to save these parameters use File and Save Project
to update the stored configuration file. At this time you may update your existing project file or provide a new one.
Pro-Motion provides various selectable units for distance and time, but defaults to units of encoder counts (or
steps for step motors) for distance and seconds for time. This means the default units for velocity are counts/
sec, and the default units for acceleration and deceleration are counts/sec
. So for a motor that has 2,000 counts
per rotation, to perform a symmetric trapezoidal move of 25 rotations with a top speed of 5 rotations per second
and with an acceleration time of two seconds, the parameters in the Trajectory dialog box would be set as follows:
Deceleration: 5,000 counts/sec
Acceleration: 5,000 counts/sec
Velocity: 10,000 counts/sec
Position 1: 0 counts
Position 2: 50,000 counts