Install Drivers for 9000 Boards
PenMount 9026BH Control Board Mechanical Diagram
Find the white 6-pin right angle connector (on the left in the photo above).
The power cable is pin 1 and pin 2. Solder the power and ground wire to the
system. The RS-232 cable is from pins 3 to 6. Attach the RS-232 cable’s
D-sub connector to a COM port at the back of the computer.
Find the white 9-pin right angle connector (on the right in the photo above).
Attach the female end of the touch screen cable to this connector. If you
have a 4-wire touch screen attach the cable to pins 1~5. If you have an
8-wire touch screen attach the cable to pins 1~9. Attach the male end of the
cable to the touch screen tail.
Mount your touch screen to the display using tape or Velcro.
Turn on power for the computer and the display.
Install the software drivers and utilities, and then calibrate the touch screen.
Chapter 3. Install Drivers for 9000 Boards
on page 8.