PT495 Series Detector
Rev 5.11
Factors affecting sensor accuracy
Various factors can cause the sensor to malfunction and can affect the accuracy
and sensitivity of the sensor. The following list identifies the most common
factors that can affect the sensor operation and can cause an irreversible
damage to the unit.
The list below should not be considered as all inclusive.
Rain / splash guard should be installed to avoid accumulation of dirt on the
flame arrestor on the stainless steel sensor head assembly. The accumulation
of dirt on the flame arrestor will clog the pores on the sintered disk and
reduce the diffusion of the gas into the sensor head assembly.
Sensor calibration schedule should be in place to ensure proper operation.
Protect sintered disk on the sensor head assembly from paint or high pressure
water jets. If necessary install some protective shield on the unit before
painting or cleaning. Be sure to remove the protective shield when finished.
Routine Maintenance
PT495 series Sensors do not require routine maintenance. However, the sensors
should be inspected periodically to ensure proper operation.
Sensor Inspection
Keep the sensor flame arrestor clean. Avoid any accumulation of dirt and oil on
the filter since it will affect the diffusion of gas to the sensor. Use rain / dust
shield for protection. Refer to the list of spare parts for Rain/Dust shield part