PB-1525 Wood Pellet Burner System: Installation and Operation Manual
Rev 1.0, OCTOBER 2011
Page 5 of 67
This Safety summary, and this manual, has been prepared to
ensure the PB-1525 System is installed, operated and maintained
in a safe manner for personnel and to prevent unnecessary
damage or loss of property. Precautions described in this and
subsequent chapters should be observed during system
installation, operation and maintenance.
The following definitions of warnings, cautions, and notes are
provided and shall be applied throughout this document:
: A warning identifies a clear danger to
person(s) performing that procedure and personnel
utilizing the system; failure to abide by a warning may
result in damage or loss of property, bodily injury, and
even death.
: A caution identifies risk of damage to
equipment; failure to abide by a caution may result in
permanent damage to the system and/or auxiliary
NOTE: A note is used to highlight essential procedures,
conditions, or statements that convey important
instructional data to the reader.
The system must be installed by a Pellergy Trained
Certified Installation Professional ONLY.
Never introduce a fuel other than Premium Wood Pellets
into the system. There is a high risk of fire and explosion if
gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil or any other
flammable liquid or material is used in the system; always
avoid the use of these.
Do not store combustible materials within 24” of the PB-
1525 burner
Items may fall into an open pellet hopper and cause
damage to the auger. Keep all objects clear of the pellet