PB-1525 Wood Pellet Burner System: Installation and Operation Manual
Rev 1.0, OCTOBER 2011
Page 44 of 67
Items such as the conveyor length and angle of
installation WILL change the amount of pellets fed in the
same period of time.
Setup of the Initial Combustion Blower Setting Value
The “Fan High Speed” setting controls the combustion blower speed and
thereby the amount of combustion air provided to the system during the
Firing State.
Please note that the combustion blower (sometimes referred to as a
“fan”) performs a ramp up before starting in any speed. This ramp lasts a
fraction of a second; however, it can be heard any time the blower starts
or adjusts speed from one level to another.
Take the steps below to run the burner for the first time and adjust the
combustion properties of the system:
Running the Burner for the First Time
During the first burner operation, stack gases will be analyzed and the
blower value will be adjusted to achieve proper combustion properties.
Do not insert the combustion analyzer into the chimney before burner is in
the Firing State for a minimum of 5 min. This is because in the beginning of
firing the burner can produce smoke that can cause the combustion
analyzer probe to become dirty and produce erroneous results. If the
flame looks dark orange and lazy or there is the presence of smoke in the
flue gasses, raise the blower speed by following the steps below before
inserting the combustion analyzer into the flue gas path.
The system must be in Technician Mode.
Start the burner by initiating a call for heat at the thermostat input
to the system and enabling the burner by pressing and holding he
“Ena” button on the controller. If powering up the system for the
first time, you may press “End” to bypass the startup purge cycle